(almost) kissing on the roof

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friday was coming to an end and the sun was slowly setting into a beautiful orange-pink color. the 5 of us were sitting on my roof, snacks, blankets and pillows surrounding us.

riley was laying on zay as he fed her grapes like the queen that she was while lucas and farkle were lying next to eachother, '5 feet apart cuz they're not gay'. (IM SORRY I COULDNT HELP IT)

i was sitting a bit farther from them, laying my head on my knees as i watched the sky change colors, appreciating the beauty that was life.

i found myself doing that a lot lately, meditating on how amazing my life truly was. i had amazing parents who loved me more than anything, an amazing new best friend and 3 boys who protected and loved me like no other. i was so lucky to be living the life that i was.

as the sun began setting faster, the stars began rising, a dark blue, cloudless sky. i had one of lucas' hoodies on that i had stolen from him and was extremely warm. my frozen pajama pants and fuzzy socks made me feel so comfortable i could practically sleep on the roof.

'whatcha thinking about,' i heard farkle say as he walked over and sat down next to me, sitting in the same position as i was.

'nothing..' i said looking up to the stars. 'the sky is so clear tonight. it's breathtaking, don't you think?'

he looked over at me as i continued looking up, not a clue as to what he could possibly be thinking.

sparklys pov.

i looked over at her and admired her beauty, she never had to try to look beautiful because she was natrually that way. the way her waves never had a hair out place, so shiny and silky to the touch; her large blue eyes full of adventure and love.

the way her plump lips were naturally a shade of red and she never had to wear lipstick because it looked like she already was. her freckles that only came up when she was sunburnt, the freckles that i absolutely adored on her.

the way she loved life, how much she appreciated the things and people she had. she was full of grace.

i continued to admire her and realized that she was even more beautiful in the moonlight. she was looking up at the stars, not a clue that i was staring, taking in her beauty and memorizing every single little feature on her beautiful face.

'look!' she said, pointing up, 'a shooting star. make a wish, love,' she said as she closed her eyes and scrunched her nose.

i closed my eyes and wished for the one thing i've always wanted: her.

it was hard to not want to grab her face and smash my lips onto hers every time we hugged or every time she even looked at me.

i was trying so hard to protect the amazing friendship her and i had, i wasn't realizing that i was losing her. she was slipping out of my hands and i wasn't doing anything about it, i wasn't going to do anything about it. i couldn't.

i didn't want to lose her, i didn't want to somehow mess up and make her never want to speak to me ever again because i would rather have her in my life, as she loved someone else than her never speaking to me again. that would absolutely destroy me.

but i was also falling for isadora. i couldn't help but feel so happy when i was around her, an immense fondness growing towards her. i loved her but not like i loved maya, i could never love anyone as much as i loved her.

but i so desperately wanted to give isadora all of me and there was only one way i could do that: i was gonna get over maya even if it was the last thing i did but i knew it wouldn't be easy.

'what did you wish for?' maya asked me, interrupting my thoughts as she leaned herself on me and closed her eyes.

'what else could i possibly wish for? i already have everything i could ever want.'

she chuckled and then sighed. 'i'm glad you do farkle, i'm really happy for you and isadora.'

she looked up at me and i stared into her ocean blue eyes as she slowly began to lean in, her eyes closing. she was so close to my face i could see the little scar on the side of her nose she got when she fell, trying to ride a skateboard for the first time, falling straight on her face, causing the injury and scar.

i began to slowly close my eyes, and i grabbed her cheeks with my hands, our lips inches away from touching eachother.

yeah, great way to get over her farkle, i thought to myself.

we were interrupted by riley's loud laugh and i was secretly glad we were.  she moved her head from my hands, apologizing.

'i'm sorry..' she said, looking back at the sky, 'i don't know why i did that.'

i looked at her and then at the group of three who were eating marshmallows.

'it's ... it's ok sunshine. hey, you uh..' i scratched the back of my neck and she looked over at me, 'you wanna go eat some marshmallows?'

she smiled at me and chuckled. 'you know me to well minkus.'

maya's pov

it was odd because, suddenly i didn't feel much.

so maya is officially over farkle? hmmm
next time: farkle and isadora have their moment and maya and ricky have their moment. hope you guys enjoyed & if you guys have questions about wth is happening feel free to ask :). thanks for reading and see you guys next time 💛💖

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