oh my lucaya pt. 4

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'you like me?' i ask, putting down the chicken nugget that i had in my hand.

he nods his head and gives me a slight smile.

'always have may,' he says grabbing some fries and sticking them in his mouth.

at this point, my thoughts were going everywhere. did farkle know? is that why he asked me to be gentle? why was farkle ok with this? i thought he was 'in love' with me? how long had lucas been feeling this way?

he was acting so casual, as if the news was something i could just brush off.

'i never said anything though because i knew you liked farkle... but i knew farkle would never date you because he wasn't willing to ruin your guys' friendship.. but maya,' he said, leaning over and taking a drink out his soda and then grabbing my hand.

'i don't want you to feel different towards me, i don't want anything to change. i felt the need to tell you before you and ricky got more serious just in case... maybe you would change your mind.' he said looking into my eyes, a smile on his face.

'lucas...' i say, 'i love you and you know that... i love you more than words could possibly describe, you're my best friend...' i say not knowing how to finish but before i can, he opens his mouth.

'i'm not asking you to break up with ricky, may. i'm just letting you know that if things don't work out with him or farkle, i wouldn't mind being third choice.' he said, chuckling.

'well we did make a promise,' i say, trying to lighten up the mood, remembering the promise we made to each other in the beginning of our freshman year. 'if we're both single by 35, then-'

'we're getting married', he said letting go of my hand and grabbing another nugget.

we both laugh and and i finish off my half bitten chicken piece.

'you know,' he says, 'i always thought it would end up being you and i together in the end...'

i smile and feel my heart go warm, i loved this kid so much.

'but if not, that's ok too. i like having you as a best friend more, clutterbucket.'

i chuckle and shake my head, 'so you... like me?' i asked, trying to make sense of what had just happened.

'yes babe, i like you. but don't worry', he said with a cocky smile, 'i won't do anything about it. not like i did during lunch today'. he winked and i snorted.

i looked at him and then looked away, feeling a bit uncomfortable, not knowing what to feel about what he had just told me.

he was so normal about it, leaning back in his chair, eating his food like this was nothing.

he looked up at me and chuckled again. 'love, don't let this stress you out, don't worry about it, seriously.'

i rolled my eyes at him and he stood up, standing right next to me. i put my arms up, trying to protect myself of what was about to happen.

'what are you-'

he quickly grabbed me by my arms and lifted me up, throwing me over his shoulder and walking over to the large living room, spinning me around.

'lucas!' i yelled, pounding on his back, laughing so hard i felt my sides ache.

'put me down', i continued, tears strolling down my face of pure laughter.

'I LIKE MAYA PENELOPE HART BUT IF SHE DOESNT LIKE ME BACK THATS OK TOO', he yelled, the echo going through the whole house.

i laughed even more and held onto his waist, making sure i wouldn't fall.

by the time he was done, we were both laughing so hard we were in physical pain.

we were laying on his couch, catching our breath, staring up at the ceiling fan.

my head was on a pillow, as was his, our feet facing each other.

'this isn't gonna make our friendship awkward... is it?' he asked, placing both hands behind his head.

i stuck my hands in the pockets of the sweater and shook my head.

'nah', i say, extending the 'a', 'everything's gonna be the same.' i respond, trusting in my own words.

he lifts his head up and crosses his legs. 'you promise?' he asks, looking over at me with unsure eyes.

i sit up and cross my legs as well, feeling as if we were kindergarteners. i lift my pinky up and place it in front of his face, making a large smile come up from his lips.

'promise.' i say as he lifts his pinky up and they intertwine, making him smile once again.

'i loves you maya cakes,' he says, pulling me in a bear hug.

'i wove you too lukey', i say, leaning my head in closer to his chest and closing my eyes, taking in the moment.

hi it's me back at again

i have no idea what i'm gonna do for them next chapter lmao.

i've been getting a few comments asking me or saying something about if this is gonna be markle AND that's the exact reason why i didn't put any type of ship name in the title because i want it to be a surprise in the end! yay! so please stop asking if this is a markle story bc tbh even i don't know at the moment.

ok that is all! thanks so much for reading my lovelies! enjoy the rest of your day/night. and doNt foRgeT tO dAB On ThEM hATeRs.

lots of love,

-s. xx

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