the one where zay comes over at one in the morning

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it was now 1:38 a.m and i was laying in my bed, eyes wide open, my gaze focused on the white ceiling.

my thoughts scattered everywhere and extremely confused as to what had just happened tonight.

ricky broke up with me because we weren't really in love? because he knew about my feelings for farkle? but the only reason he knew was because of... because of zay? why would he tell him about us?

my confusion turned into slight anger and i pulled my phone out from the sheets and dialed his number.

it rang a couple of times before i heard him clear his voice.

'baby, it's one in the morning. this better be an emergency..' he said, his voice sounding tired and a bit annoyed.

i sat up and tucked a strand of my hair behind my ear and crossing my legs, 'why did you tell ricky about farkle and i?' i asked him, cutting straight to the point.

i heard him shuffle around and then sigh again before answering my question. 'maya,' he said, making me flinch at the sound of him using my real name, 'you and i both knew that you and him weren't gonna last... you guys weren't in love because you love farkle and farkle loves you,' he paused, 'damn may, if you knew how much farkle loves you and how much he talks about you when you're not around you would realize that he's not in love with smackle, at all.'

i laid back down and exhaled, realizing that everything he was saying was true but then quickly snapped out of it. if farkle loved me he would risk anything to be with me. 'it doesn't matter how farkle feels about me zay, he won't date me. i made him think that both of us were willing to wait awhile to see what the future held for us but i was lying to him. i just told him that to try and make myself think that i was over him.' i felt a lump in my throat and my voice began to crack.

the thought of having to give up farkle because he wasn't willing to risk it all hurt me more than anything in the world.

'i did all of this so i could try to forget him and now the exact opposite is happening zay and i don't know what to do. i can't continue to pretend like i'm over him and see him all lovey-dovey with smackle. i can't do it anymore zay.' i sniffled, trying to hold back the tears that were about to fall down my face.

there was a long pause on the other end of the line, i heard him ruffling around and then the sound of keys.

'what are you doing?' i asked him as i tried swallowing down the large lump.

he sighed and then i heard a door shut. 'i'm coming over. go downstairs and wait for me, okay? i'm gonna fix this,' he said suddenly as we both said goodbye and ended the call.

this was so like zay, to want to come over and fix this. to comfort me in my time of need. this was one of the many reasons i loved zay so much, he was my rock.

i cleaned my eyes with the sleeves of my sweater and took the covers off of me, quietly running down the stairs and sitting on the last step of the staircase.

15 minutes had passed and i was still sitting on the steps, cupping my cheek with my left hand, scrolling through instagram with my right hand.

as i checked the time for the fifth time, i sighed deeply and stood up, giving up.

as my foot touched the second step, there was a soft knock at the door and looked through the peephole, seeing a smiley zay with a box of krispy kreme donuts.

i smiled and opened the door. as he walked in, another figure appeared behind him and my smile quickly turned into confusion.

'what's farkle doing here?' i asked zay as they both walked into the house.

farkle waved at me and yawned as i smiled at him and yawned along, both of us unaware of the extreme changes that were about to happen to both of our lives.

DUN DUNN DUUUNNNNN. comment what you think the next chapter should be about!

oh and also, i was thinking that, what if you guys write your own chapter for this story and pm it to me and i'll read them, pick the best one and post it as an actual chapter. idk just a random thought i had right now. let me know what you guys think!!!!!

i think this story is almost over... not sure yet LOL BUT MOST LIKELY ALMOST.

q: do you have a nickname?

a: no but i've always wanted to be called mack... idky. my name isn't even close to mack lmao. somebody give me a nickname.

annyywaaayssss tanks so much 4 reading! ily guys 5 ever <3

all the damn love in the whole wide world,

s. xx

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