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i was sitting on the couch, a large grin across my face refusing to speak to the others. they just stared at me as i smiled at nothing, my mind going everywhere.

is he gonna ask me out tonight?? what are we gonna name our kids?? does he even want kids? what if he doesn't like my wedding dress? or what if my dad doesn't like him? what if pappy joe doesn't like him??

i giggled internally at how fast i was moving this 'relationship' in my head.

but my thoughts were quickly ointerrupted by someone's loud voice: zay.

'rickster', zay said as ricky walked back over to where i was and sat next to me, an even larger grin across his face.

'glad to have you back. i thought this one would explode if you wouldn't hurry up changing.' zay said pointing at me and making lucas laugh.

i shot him a glare and he chuckled, leaning back onto riley as i looked over at ricky and smiled.

'hey maya.' he said bumping my shoulder.

'hey ricky,' i said bumping him back.

'you missed me?' he asked, a smirk on his face.

i playfully rolled my eyes at him and looked over at zay again. i laughed. 'i think zay missed you more than i did.'

rickys lip turned into a smile and he chuckled as he turned to look over at zay who was already glaring at us, middle finger up in the air.

'don't worry maya,' he said looking back at me, 'i won't let zay get in between of us.' i smiled at him again, trying hard not to faint as i processed the fact that there would be an us.

we stared at eachother for a while until lucas spoke up.

'you guys are weird.' he said, ruffling his hair to the side.

'nothing new for maya,' farkle said under his breath. i looked over at him and frowned. what was his problem? i thought he didn't want anything to do with me romantically?

i shook my head and tried to not think about farkle or my feelings for him the rest of the night. i was so thankful that ricky was by my side, my brain would finally have a break from thinking about farkle. i was glad that, even if just for a couple of hours, i wouldn't be torturing myself over the fact that he wouldn't be mine.

'so you guys wanna play a game?' riley asked, getting off of zay and sitting criss-crossed on the ground.

'yeah sure,' i said doing the same thing as ricky and zay followed.

lucas, smackle and farkle all scooted closer to where the rest of us and we were suddenly in a small little circle.

'let's play truth or dare!' riley said as she clapped her hands in excitement.

the small circle all groaned and she scoffed. 'you guys are so lame,' she said, 'we're playing anyways though.'

'fine', farkle said looking over at me. i quickly looked away and grabbed onto rickys hand who gently squeezed it.

'alright', lucas said, laying in his stomach, 'who wants to go first?' he asked scanning the whole group.

i hesitated and was about to raise my hand when rickys voice beat me to it. 'i'll go first.' he said confidently. i raised my eyebrows in shock, i had a feeling tonight would be a night full of learning.

'why do you like maya.' farkle said abruptly, staring at ricky, no expression in his voice.

ricky looked at him, a confused expression plastered on his face as he chuckled and shook his head, 'i didn't even get to chose truth or dare.'

farkle rolled his eyes. 'truth or dare ricky'.

he looked at the group and then back at farkle. 'dare.'

'i dare you to tell me the truth, what is is about her that makes you like her.'

ricky furrowed his brows and then looked down at me, 'how can one not like her?', he asked keeping his eyes on me, 'she's beautiful inside and out, and although i just met her, i would like to find out more about her, everything about her so i could list more about what it is that i like,' he paused, 'is that ok with you?' he said as riley and smackle awed at us.

i smiled at him and nodded my head, butterflies in my stomach.

'i don't wanna play anymore', farkle said standing up and walking to the kitchen. smackle rolled her eyes and mouthed a small sorry before getting up following him.

'i didn't want to play in the first place', lucas said rubbing his eyes. i looked around at the now even smaller group and saw that none of were in the mood to continue.

but i did, i wanted to ask ricky questions that i knew he would have to answer considering the situation we were in but i guess i would have to hold those questions for another day.

'fine, then let's just watch a movie', riley said standing up and sitting on the couch.

as we were about to choose something to watch, ricky took his phone out and checked the time.


'i'm sorry butterfly but i have to go, my moms gonna worry if i don't get home before midnight'.

'alright'. i said as we both stood up from the ground and walked towards the front door. i sighed and opened the front door, the cold wind coming in and making me shiver.

'i had a really fun time tonight,' i said, 'didn't last long though', i said as i chuckled.

he smiled at me and we both walked outside. i was trying hard not to show that i was dying of coldness so i wrapped my arms around myself and smiled back.

'i had a lot of fun too,' he looked behind him and unlocked his car with his car keys, 'see you at school monday?' he asked.

i nodded my head and he slowly began leaning in, eyes closed. before i could comprehend what was happening his warm lips were against mine, i began following along to the movement, my stomach full of butterflies.

his arms slowly began to wrap themselves around my waist and i found my arms to be around his neck, touching his silky, curly hair. i smiled during the kiss and he must of felt it because he chuckled, letting go.

he looked into my eyes, letting go of my waist and grabbing my hands, holding them in his.

'i really like you maya, and i know we just met or whatever but.. i don't know.. i feel like we have something..' he said staring into my eyes.

i felt my cheeks blush and i suddenly wasn't cold anymore. 'i really like you too ricky.'

he smiled at me, showing off those dimples and he kissed me again. i wrapped my arms around his neck again and closed my eyes, enjoying the moment. as he put his arm around my waist to keep me warm, the front door opened and we quickly let go of eachother.

'what the hell is going on out here?'

my otp kissed. can ya guess who interrupted them? oh and i've been meaning to ask you guys to leave comments telling me how i can improve my writing!

THE ECLIPSE IS TODAY!! well actually the eclipse is happening right now 🌒. my mom and i made this cereal box eclipse projector and it's so cool! we can see the light of the eclipse reflects into the box letting you see the movements. probably the coolest thing ever.

anyways thanks so much for reading! see you guys next time xx

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