family barbecue pt. 2

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4:24 p.m.

after school farkle dropped me off at home and as soon as i unbuckled myself and said goodbye, i ran inside, throwing my bag on the stairs and running to the kitchen.

'MOM, MOM, MOM!!' i yelled. she was home from work early as she always was every family barbecue day and was seasoning the meat and asparagus.

she had her black apron on with the little pearls on the neckline and was humming along to 'here comes the sun' by the beatles.

once she heard me call for her, she, ever so graciously, spun around, making her apron lift up a little and turned to me.

'yes baby?' i went up to her and squished her cheeks.

'riley and her family are coming!' i said excitingly. she smiled at me and chuckled, 'i know hun and if you would let me finish maybe they could come sooner so,' she grabbed a dish towel and lightly smacked me with it, shooing me away, 'go upstairs!'

i giggle and kissed her cheek, walking back to the stairs and grabbing my bag.

i went up to my room and closed the door, taking my phone out from the pocket of my sweater and called my dad.

ring, ring

he answered and there was a short silence until he cleared his throat and coughed.

'hey, pumpkin', he said. i heard him tapping on his computer keyboard and realized he was still at work.

'hey dad, you're still working?' i asked laying on my bed and lightly taking my shoes off.

he sighed and continued tapping. 'yeah i am hun.. but don't worry, i'll be home before family barbecue. i promise.'

'ok,' i paused for a minute, 'you still working on the same case?' i asked, flipping over to my stomach and grabbing the phone with my shoulder.

'yeah hun i am, it's a really important one. we're prosecuting against a very big firm who has extremely good and well trained attorneys and well, you know how the bad guys work. they don't stop until they get what they want.' (a/n i know nothing about lawyers so if any of the things i write about are wrong let me know).

i nodded my head and sighed. 'wow, it's been going on for a while now.. i hope everything gets settled the way it should be', i said.

'yeah me too, well i gotta go, tell your mother i send hugs and kisses. see you later maya papaya, love you.'

'bye dad love you too.' and we hung up.

my dad was a family lawyer, he has to handle anything to do with direct family issues like divorce, prenuptial agreements and in this case, custody battles.

he liked his job, he always said he liked being the good guy. he was hired to be a main attorney in one of the biggest firms in the state and he soon became one of the best. they were always needing him and in the beginning he was barely ever home which caused my parents short separation.

he let them know that he wasn't going to risk losing his family over a job and they decided they didn't want to lose they're best lawyer there so they gave him less time to work.

but although he liked his job, he had a passion for photography. since college he had this love for taking pictures of places and people.

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