"i'm in love with you maya"

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my eyes practically came out of my skull as i saw who was standing there. ricky brushed his hair with his fingers and turned to me, smiling at me nervously.

'i think i'm just gonna go, bye princess,' he said giving me a quick peck on the cheek. he walked away towards his car and got it in, rolling down the passenger window to wave goodbye to us.

as he drove off, farkle (a/n: so cliche, i know) and i just stood there at the entry of the door. in pure silence.

'i- i don't even-' he looked up at me and stuttered, crossing his arms, breaking the awkward silence.

i hugged my arms and looked down at my socks, 'i'm sorry you had to see that'. i said, not being able to look at him.

'yeah well so am i,' he said, 'how could you do this to me maya, i thought-' he sighed and walked towards the steps.

i chuckled in pure anger. 'how could i do this to you.' i said turning my body to face his back.

'are you kidding me? you're the one that started dating isadora, you're the one that told me you didn't want to date because it would ruin our friendship', i put my hands on my head and took in a deep breathe.

'you did this to yourself farkle'.

he finally turned around and faced me. 'so this is your way of getting me back? hm? your way of revenge?' he asked raising his hands.

'no farkle. this is my way of moving on, you clearly did it so why can't i?' my hands were laid against my side, turned into fists. 'i'm tired of waiting for you-'

he walked up to me and grabbed my shoulders  'you don't think i'm tired of waiting?' he asked, raising his voice at me.

'then why are you upset that i was with ricky.' i asked, blankly staring at him.

he let go of me and ran his fingers through his hair. 'because i'm in love with you maya, that's why.'

i shook my head and laughed at him. 'you're in love with me?' i asked as he looked at me. 'no, because if you were in love with me, you would risk anything to be with me farkle.' i said pointing at him.

he shook his head and crossed his arms again. 'i love you too much to ruin our friendship maya, what don't you understand by that.'

i raised my hands in the air, not feeling cold anymore. 'then why did you get upset??!' i asked raising my voice at him. 'if you just wanna remain friends then why did you get upset.' i asked, rubbing my forehead, feeling exhausted.

there was a long pause after that until finally, he spoke up.

'i just want you to be happy, sunshine', he said walking back to the steps and sitting down.

my heart softened as i heard him call me sunshine again and i walked over to him sitting down. you make no sense farkle, i thought to myself.

he had his face in his hands and i put my arm around him. 'i want the same for you sparkly,' i said as he looked back up at me.

'does he make you happy?' he asked looking in my eyes. i nodded my head and i truly meant it. call me crazy but although we had just met, he made my heart go cluckity-cluck.

'so far he's made me pretty happy..' i said, not breaking the stare.

'does isadora make you happy?' i asked him.

he smiled down at his feet, breaking the stare and smiling back at me. 'yeah, my little genius makes me happy'.

we both laughed and i laid my head against his shoulder, sighing. 'i'm sorry i got mad, love', he said as i shivered, the coldness finally hitting me again.

he moved away from me and took off his jacket, putting it around my shoulders.

'i love you maya, i truly do. the last thing i wanna do is get in the way of you finding someone. don't let me get in the way of you and ricky.'

i gave him a slight smile and looked up at the sky. this was it, the end of farkle and i.

'there could never be an us in your world, could there?' i asked, trying one more time.

he smiled and then looked behind him, eyes on the door. then he looked back at me. 'i would do anything for you maya. i truly would. i love you more than anyone on this crappy planet.' he sighed. 'you're right. if i love you enough i would risk our friendship-'

'but not now..', i said, 'we're so young and we both got this thing going on for other people..' i said, finally being able to breathe.

he chuckled. 'yeah we do. but maybe-'

'-in the future when we're grown and know what we want we can try.' i said, a smile on my face.

he smiled back at me, my heart fluttering with happiness. 'i'd like that sunshine.' he said putting his arm back around me and kissing the top of my head.

'so this it, huh?'

'for now,' he said as he stood up. i did the same and we walked towards the door, he looked at me one last time before holding my hands.

'i love you five ever maya penelope hart.'

i scrunched my nose and smiled. 'forever and always farkle.' i said back.

he opened the door and i followed him, closing the door behind us, his jacket still around me. i took his sweater off of me and put it on the rack, walking over to the kitchen where everyone had moved too.

they were sitting at the breakfast table, riley was standing next to the stove, making some pancakes as the rest were eating them.

i checked the time on the clock in my kitchen and saw it read 12:02. i chuckled at my friends who were eating so late.

as farkle and i came into the kitchen, lucas looked up from his plate and mouthed: you ok.

i smiled at him and nodded my head. no more markle, i mouthed back. he blew me a kiss and i put it in my pocket as i looked over at farkle and isadora who were feeding eachother pancakes and for once, my heart didn't hurt.

'want a pancake maya?' isadora asked as she dipped her pancake in nutella. i nodded my head and walked over to her, biting a piece of hers off and smiling.


markle is over :( or is it??? is the next chapter gonna include lucaya or micky?? lmao i don't even know myself.

but anyways thanks so much for reading my lovelies. xx

i hope you guys have an AMAZING day/night, love you guys <3


okie dokie guys, again, thanks for reading and commenting and voting. i love you guys oh so much 💛💛

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