maya and izz fight

506 32 48

4:14 a.m

maya: ... i'm sorry things
had to end this way
between us.

smackle: no maya the thing is,
is that you're not sorry. you're
not sorry at all because if
you were you would've backed
off of farkle and stopped
yourself from being so
affectionate towards him. 
you know... i tried to hold it in.
i told myself that once him
and i got closer that you two
would stop being so affectionate
but it seemed to increase as our relationship grew...

maya: i'm sorry you felt
that way but we acted
that way before you
even came in the picture
smackle. that was a
normal thing for us.

smackle: yeah i'm sure it was...
and i just want you to know
that ricky and i planned this.
we both realized that you two
weren't as in love with us
as you both claimed to be
and were tired of feeling
like a second choice.

maya: he was never a second
choice. you and him both
knew the second we all
met that farkle was extremely
important to me and i to him.
no secret about it.

smackle: but we were and you
took the one thing i loved
away from me because
you couldn't grow up
and get over your
damn feelings

maya: what do you want me
to say to you smackle??
i'm sorry i'm in love with him?
bc i'm not.

maya: you know what i find funny?
that you're the only one that felt that way. i'm the exact same
with zay and you don't see
riley complaining...
why is that? is it bc your
hatred for me goes
much deeper than just 'farkle'?

smackle: rileys too naive and
stupid to see the kind
of person you are maya.
you want all three
boys to yourself
but guess what...
one day they're not going to
be all yours anymore.

maya: don't you dare talk
about riley like that... well
then i guess i'll have
to cherish that time
that i have with them now,
don't you think?

READ 4:20 a.m

smackle is typing...

smackle: look maya.
i'm so heartbroken.
i was in love with that boy...
i was so freaking in love
with him and all this time
that we were together
and i was thinking
about him, he was thinking
about you. do you know
what that does to a person?
to know that the person
you love is in love
with someone else??

maya: actually smackle i do know.
that's exactly what was
happening with him and i.

smackle: no. no it wasn't
bc you knew that at
some point he would
come to you and
you would have
your happily ever
after. admit it,
you never thought
him and i would last...

maya: .... it doesn't
matter what i thought
anymore smackle.

maya: this is so stupid...
we spent 7 months being
best friends ... 7 months
having sleep overs
and inside jokes and
laughs and memories
only to be thrown away
because of some stupid boy?

smackle: ...

maya: we can't let farkle
get in the way of our friendship
smackle because i
love you so much and
it would kill me to lose
you as a friend because
of this. you mean so much to me.

smackle: you really
wanna be friends still? ...

maya: ofc i do

smackle: then breakup with him.
if you say you love me so
much and that our
friendship means so much
to you then break up.

maya: .... smackle...

smackle: that's what i thought.
first you take my
best friend away
and then you take
my bf away. have fun
with them maya.

maya: i didn't take anything
away from you...
you chose to distance
yourself from riley
when she was going through
hard times bc you
couldn't handle it.
that's not what a real friend does.

smackle: oh please. don't talk to me about 'real friends'
bc a real friend doesn't
take their boyfriend
away. i'm done here.
i'm done w you.
i'm done with all of this.
my family and i are moving
to california bc my father
got a new job over there
so i won't be seeing any
of you ever again.

smackle: i don't want to end
things on good terms
w you bc i hate you so
much rn. i hate you more
than words could possibly
describe and i don't even
want to think about
you but i'm telling you
this so you don't
think that i left bc of farkle.

maya: i could never hate
you smackle. not even after
all the hateful things
you've said about me
bc like i told you, our friendship
meant the world to me
and i love you. i hope you
and your family enjoy
california... it's beautiful.

READ 4:27 a.m

smackle is typing...

smackle: ugh.. i will get over
this one day. a very far away
day and when i do...
maybe we can be friends
again... bc i love you too maya

maya: i would like that
v much mack.

smackle: dont call me mack...
i'm still extremely upset
with you. i have to go
now. tell your parents
i say goodbye. goodnight maya.

maya: okay ... i will.
goodnight .

was that the worst text convo you have ever read bc me too. yes i know this was quite odd and what not and they were both really confusing but i mean i didn't know what else to write so HERE YA GOOOO

oh also... i made a second account that i'll be using to write my 'status book' and others. i've has it for like EVER but i just didn't know what to use it for until now.

okie dokie my loves, THANKS FOR READY ILY 5 EVER, don't you ever forget that.

goodnight my loves! or goodmorning idk what time it is for you guys...speaking of which:

q: what time is it for you?

a: 9:04 p.m & i'm extremely tired cuz i'm a grandma.

okay, goodnight for real now 💜

all the love


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