smarkle is done??

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'maya,' farkle said to me, 'zay called me as soon as you guys ended your phone call and told me about ricky,' he walked towards where i was and put his arms around me. i wrapped my arms around his neck and closed my eyes, taking in his scent.

'did he say why he broke up with you?' he asked as he let go of me and we all sat down at the breakfast table.

i tucked a strand of my loose hair behind my cold ear and bit my bottom lip every so lightly and sighed, turning my gaze over at zay who was already eating the donuts.

i giggled internally and sighed once again, debating if i should tell him the truth.

'um.. yeah he uh.. he did,' i said to him.

his complete focus was on me and he was doing that thing with his thumb when he was worried, twirling it around the other finger.

'farkle i can't lie to you.' i said to him as i looked down. 'he found out abou- '

'smackle and i broke up.' he said abruptly. i looked up at him and my mouth slightly dropped. quickly closing it back up, i put my hand on his shoulder and rubbed it up and down, not knowing what to say.

'i'm sorry farkle... i didn't know..' i said to him as i kept my hand on him.

he looked up at me, his expression emotionless and shook his head. 'she said she was tired of sharing me with you,' he looked back down to his hands and cleared his throat.

'she made me choose maya. she told me it was either her or you,' he raised his head up and i saw his eyes watery, making my heart break a little inside, 'i told her i couldn't, i told her that you were the most important person in my life and that i could never pick anyone over you,' he pause for a second, 'she didn't even want to stay friends, not even with riley. she wanted out of the group...'

zay cleared his throat and stood up from the chair he was sitting in and put the box down, walking over to us.

'tell her what you told me farkle.' he said as he grabbed a chair and dragged over to where we were, sitting next to me.

'maya,' he says, cleaning his eyes and then grabbing my hands, he looked directly into my soul and rubbed circles on the side of my thumb.

i looked back at zay and then back at him, worried as to what he was going to tell me.

'i'm crying because i'm upset that someone that i thought i loved left me but in all of this crappy stuff that happened i realized something important: i don't want anyone else in this entire world but you. i want you maya, i love you.' he said.

i has been holding my breath as all these words came out of his mouth and it was only until i was out breath that i realized what i was doing.

'but you said-' he cut me off with a chuckle and shook his head.

'i know what i said sunshine but everything that has happened to both us has happened for a reason,' he let go of one of my hands and my left hand was now the only one he was holding, 'fate wants us together may, i want us together.'

a small smile grew on my face and i looked over at zay who was already smiling at both of us.

'i want us to be together too,' i said, kind of whispering. a large smile grew on his face, seeming a bit surprised at my answer.

we sat there, the three of us in the kitchen, just smiling at each other like crazy until i checked my phone to see the time.

3:52 a.m.

i walked the boys out to the front door and thanked zay for bringing him over, giving him a kiss on the cheek.

'i'd do anything for you may.' he said to me as he walked off into the dark driveway.

farkle walked in front of me and smiled again. 'so.. you still in love with smackle?' i asked as he grabbed both my hands and intertwined them.

he chuckled at my question and shook his head. 'no. are you still in love with ricky?' he asked back.

i looked to the ground and then back at him, a smile on my face. 'not at all', i responded back.

'good.' and with that, his lips came crashing down onto mine, making my heart flutter.

our lips moved in sync, as if they knew exactly what to do with one another, sparks flying everywhere.

once we let go, he smiled and kissed my cheek softly, letting go of my hands and walking off towards zays car.

'goodnight sunshine,' he said before he got in the car.

'goodnight farkle,' i responded back before i entered my house once again, more happy than i could ever be.

i locked the front door and grabbed a donut, turning off all the lights while i tried to examine what the hell had just happened.

as i practically floated up the stairs, i jumped on my bed and checked my phone to see one new message from smackle.

mack: i hope you two are very happy together.

guys i'm running out of ideas. send heLp


this story is so out of the place and random and i'm so sorry but kudos to you for sticking around this far.

hmm yeah i don't think i have anything else to say except for THANK YOU FOR READING MY BABIESSS I LOVE YOU GUYS OH SO MUCH.

-all the love

s. xx

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