the one after they say i love you

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we drove to the restaurant, hand in hand, singing along to love songs.

the feeling was indescribable and i felt like i was on top of the world. so this is what it felt like to be in love. that the person that you loved, loved you back, and wasn't afraid to tell you, to show you.

my mind kept wandering back to farkle and how he was to afraid to love me. i still found myself thinking about him. sometimes i wondered if he didn't want to be with me because of our friendship or because i wasn't good enough.

i looked over at ricky who was singing along to 'still into you' by paramore and i smiled.

deep down i felt like a horrible girlfriend for always thinking about farkle. i squeezed his hand and he looked over at me.

'cuz after all this time, i'm still into you!'

i pushed the thought of farkle to the very back of mind and began singing along with him, windows down.

'i should be over all the butterflies! but i'm into you!' i sang along.

we continued to sing until we arrived to the extremely fancy restaurant: Daniel.

we parked across the street and he turned off the car, both getting out. i looked him up and down and smiled, he was wearing a white button up that i bought him , sleeves folded to his elbows and some dark blue dress pants that i had also bought him.

he was wearing dark brown dress shoes that i had also bought him, his hair fluffed to the side.

'hey! i bought you all of that', i said as he grabbed my hand. he chuckled and nodded his head, picking our hands up and kissing mine.

'yes you did, love.'

we ran across the street and then walked inside and i smiled again. this was the restaurant my parents would come to when they were younger.

it was a french restaurant, large and well lit. (a/n french food bc i'm not creative). there were tables everywhere, barely enough space to get through and a bar at the farthest side of the building. 

it was a small restaurant but it was so elegant, large sphered lights hanging from the top, lighting the tables that each had a roses in the middle.

'reservations?' a lady asked.

'yes, ricky henderson', he said.

she clicked the mouse and scrolled down a bit, pushing some buttons and then grabbing two menus from the side of booth.

'right this way mr. henderson.'

we followed her and she sat us down next to one of the three small pillars they had inside. it was an open room and there were elegant shelves of beautiful plants in cases stacked on them.

'can i get you two anything to drink?' she asked as we both sat down.

'water?' i asked as she wrote it down.

'i'll have the same.' he said with a smile as she nodded her head walked away.

'this is one of my favorite restaurant ever. how did you know?' i asked as i placed my hand under my chin.

he smirked and then chuckled. 'i actually had a little bit of help..' he said.

my mouth dropped, a smile coming through. 'farkle and zay told you, didn't they!' i said as i dropped my hand and laughed.

he nodded his head and chuckled again. he looked at me again and then grabbed my hand, looking into my eyes. the atmosphere becoming serious. 'it felt important for me to tell them what i was gonna do tonight. at first they were a bit upset..' he said as he looked down at our hands, 'but then i realized why. you're so important to them maya and all they want is for you to be happy... they don't want you to get hurt.' he looked up at me again and licked his bottom lip.

'but i told them i could never hurt you. i would never hurt you maya...' he looked back down again and smiled, a small chuckle escaping his lips. 'this was the part were i was supposed to tell you that i love you but i just couldn't wait.'

i smiled and chuckled along with him.

'seeing you get in the car, looking so beautiful.. my heart just couldn't wait..' he looked into my eyes and my heart melted. he smiled and sighed. 'i love you maya.'

my heart was filled with pure joy and i stood from the chair, leaning in as close as i could to his face and kissed him lightly from across the table and smiled back at him.

'i was planning on telling you i loved you tonight as well, but i'm glad you beat me to it.'

hi loooovessss. i wrote this in like 30 minutes so sorry if it's trash lmao. aye if there are any spelling errors or typos, let me know so i can fix it, yeah? thanks! xx

but i mean thanks sm for reading! ily all sm.

alssoooo my lil peach stardusterso has a story called 'kisses' and it's a multi fandom story AND ITS ABSOLUTELY AMAZING AND SHES AN AMAZING AUTHOR SO GO READ IT AND LET HER KNOW JUST HOW FREAKING GREAT SHE IS!

aight that is all for today! see you guys next time on TOTAL. DRAMA. EYE-LAND.

i crack myself up

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