family barbecue pt. 1

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it was monday again, the worst day of the week, the beginning of hellimeanschool.

i was in my room, getting ready. my hair was left natural again. i looked at it in the mirror and i realized i was beginning to like my natural hair more and more.

i added a layer of mascara to my already bold and long lashes and some chapstick, putting on a necklace that had a small pancake on it. lucas had given it to me on my 13th birthday when he first started calling me that. i loved it with all my heart.

i went over to my closet and chose a long beige, loose, knit sweater with some some criss-crossed laces across the chest. i grabbed some black leggings and some black and white nikes to finish off the outfit. 

i looked at myself in the mirror and smiled, content with what i saw. i grabbed my bag from my bed and made sure my charger and earphones were in there, a necessity when in school.

i put my bag on the floor and quickly made my bed, fixing the white sheets and comforter and grabbing my pink fuzzy blanket, puttting it on the edge of the bed and adjusting my colorful pillows.

'all done', i said as i grabbed my pajamas from the floor and throwing them into the dirty clothes basket.

i looked around my room once more, making sure it was clean and quickly remembered to open the curtains on my balcony doors. i walked over to them and pulled them open, the sun light blinding me.

i covered my eyes with my hands and walked back to where my bag was, picking it up and walking towards the door, turning off the light and running down the stairs.

'GOOD MORNING FAMILY!', i said as i walked into the kitchen. my mom was making waffles in the waffle maker as my dad cut up some fresh fruit.

i went over to my mother and gave her a kiss on the cheek. 'good morning mumzy', i said as she kissed me back.

'good morning baby, how did you sleep last night?' she asked, flipping over the waffle and letting cook.

i walked over to my dad and sat on the counter next to him, 'like a baby. top of the morning to you father,' i said, stealing some strawberries from the cutting board.

he scoffed and poked my forehead. 'cut your own fruit penelope,' he said with a smile on his face. i stuck my tongue out at him and jumped off, dancing around them.

my mom looked over at me and lifted a brow, 'and why are you so happy today ms. ballerina?' she asked, hands on her small waist.

'because,' i say as i spin, 'today is family barbecue night! and rileys parents are coming over for the first time EVER', i jump up in the air and started to do the 'q-tip'.

'my sweet little peach', my mom said coming over to me and wrapping her arms around my neck, 'i love seeing you so happy'. she kissed my cheek and soon all three of us were hugging eachother. i snuggled my cheek on my dad and wrapped my other arm around my mom, closing my eyes and smiling.

we let eachother go and my dad clapped his hands, 'alright my pretty ladies, time to eat before maya papaya goes to school.'

i grabbed some plates and my mom gathered up the waffles, putting them on the breakfast table and grabbing some milk.

we ate together, talking about what we would be eating for dinner and planning our next family vacation, trying my hardest to avoid any type of questions about ricky.

i finished my waffle and fruit and washed my plate, cleaning off my hands on a dish towel. i heard farkle honk his horn so i grabbed my bag from the table and kissed both my parents goodbye, runnin out the door.

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