the boys have a secret

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'what were you and zay telling ricky yesterday that was making him think?' i asked farkle.

we were walking in the hallways of our large school, going over to our lockers, a routine we had mastered since freshman year.

we passed mrs. vanderwalls classroom and said hi to a couple of random freshman until we reached our lockers, farkle still silent, not wanting to answer my question.

'hello?' i asked as i stood in front of him and snapped my finger in his face. he scoffed and moved my hand away from his face. he looked to my neck and smiled.

'hey,' he said, pointing towards my neck, 'you're wearing our necklace,' he said, sounding surprised.

i rolled my eyes and hit his chest. 'i always wear it you dingus, stop pretending like this is the first time you've ever seen me with it. now answer my question.' i said, extremely annoyed.

he walked around me and over to his locker as i walked towards mine and lightly banged my head on it, opening it and grabbing my school bag.

i looked in the mirror and rolled my eyes, extremely annoyed at farkles quietness.

he walked over to me after grabbing his books and leaned against the locker next to mine, a smirk plastered across his pretty face.

'you going on that date with ricky on saturday?' he asked.

i turned my head to him and furrowed my brows. 'why is everyone so obsessed with me going on this date with ricky?' i asked, shutting my locker.

he chuckled and shrugged his shoulders. 'it's just a question sunshine, no need to get your panties in a twist.'

i rolled my eyes again and nodded my head. 'yeah i am', i leaned in close to him, so close i could feel his breath on my face and looked down at his lips and then back at his eyes, 'jealous?' i asked.

he looked down at me and smiled. 'maybe,' i could feel his nervousness and i smirked. his eyes wandered down to my lips and then he smirked, 'is that a problem?'

i bit my lip and got even closer, feeling the warmth of his body on mine, his body tense. 'not. at. all.' i answered.

i backed away from him and winked, flipping my hair and walking away from him, leaving him most likely confused.

'wait up love!' he yelled, jogging over to me and messing my hair. 'don't do that ever again may,' he said, brushing his hair back with his fingers.

i laughed and took my phone out, texting zay and lucas and asking them where they were. as i was about to hit send, we turned the corner and saw the two come towards us. i handed farkle my bag and ran to them, hugging both of them as i laughed.

'i miss you guys!' i yelled as they hugged me back.

'we haven't had a core four friday in FOREVER', i told them as i let go and waited for farkle to walk over.

'what are you talking about baby,' zay said, ruffling my hair, 'we have one every single friday.' he paused. 'you still gonna go on that date with ricky tomorrow?'

i rolled my eyes and grabbed my bag back from farkle. 'i mean an og core four friday, you know? just the four of us. like it use to be and yes. why is everyone so obsessed with knowing?'.

lucas smiled and put his arm around my neck as we walked out to the back of the school. 'i think that's a great idea love. what about you guys?' he asked.

farkle looked down at his phone and then back at us. 'fine with me... but who's gonna tell the girls they're not invited?'

my eyes grew wide and i quickly threw my index finger on my nose. 'NOSE GOES', i yell as zay and lucas do the same. farkle and his slow reflexes threw is finger too hard and ended up sticking it in his eye, making us laugh and him cover his watery eye.

'you ok babe?' i asked him, holding back my urge to laugh.

he swatted my hand away from him and shook his head. 'my eye is fine but smackle and riley won't be. they're gonna feel left out,' he says.

lucas roller his eyes and took his phone out. 'you whimp. i'll do it.' we watched lucas as he scrolled through his contacts and called riley.

'hey ms. unicorns and rainbows?... zay, maya, farkle and i wanted to know if it'd be ok with you guys if just the four of us hung out tonight... no of course we're not mad we just want to have a night to ourselves... ok tell isabella... yeah i know her name is isadora... ok thanks bye.'

he ended the call and stuck his phone back in his pocket, grinning. 'easy-peazy lemon-squezy.' he said as we all walked back inside the school.

the warning bell rang and we went our separate ways. as i was walking towards my class, i saw ricky walking in through the front entrance, his backpack over his shoulder, signature smile across his handsome face.

he saw me staring and smirked at me, walking over and wrapping his arms around my waist. 'what? do i have something on my face?' he asked.

i giggled and nodded my head. 'yeah you do.' and i placed my lips on his, catching him off guard. i could feel the smile through the kiss and i couldn't help but giggle again.

we let go and he looked into my eyes, smiling. 'i can't help but smile every time i'm with you.'

my cheeks went red and i looked away, moving away from his grip. 'stop being so amazing.'

i walked and he followed, my hand in his, butterflies in my stomach. 'we still up for the date tomorrow?' he asked as he wrapped his arm around my neck and kissed my cheek.

i looked over at him and squinted my eyes. 'why are farkle and zay so obsessed with knowing?' i asked as we arrived to the door of my first class.

'it's gonna be one for the books princess.' he said as he kissed my lips goodbye and walked away, turning around the corner and winking at me, disappearing into the hallway.

i smiled and shake my head, walking into my classroom.

yay for og core four friday!

also this book is SO DAMN LONG AND ITS NOT EVEN CLOSE TO BEING DONE YET. i think that's what stresses me out the most, that it's so long and if it's too long people will start losing interest BUT I MEAN YOLO.

anywaaayysss thanks so much for reading my lovely little babies. enjoy the rest of your night/day. for those who are about to or are going through hard times because of irma, please make sure you have bags ready to evacuate with passports, food, water, clothes e.t.c. i love you all. stay safe <3

sending all my love

-s. xx <3

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