the one with the new boy and his cute accent

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lucas, zay, and i were sitting together during lunch, sharing a box of pizza.

'so where's farkle?' lucas asked as he stuffed his face with a slice, getting pizza sauce all over his mouth.

'he went to go see smackle', i said leaning over and cleaning off his face with my napkin, 'it's their one month anniversary today and he went to give her flowers and take her out for some lunch.'

'aw, our boy is growing up!' zay said, pretending to cry and clean his tears with lucas shirt. lucas patted his back, comforting him as he bit into another slice.

'it's too bad though, i really wanted you and farkly to end up together', zay said getting off of lucas. lucas punched him in the arm and scoffed.

'and why not maya and i?' he said, grabbing me by the shoulders and squeezing me in a hug. i pushed him off of me and softly slapped the side of his head. 'you're gonna make me drop my slice! you pig!' i said, trying hard not to laugh.

'i love it when you talk to dirty to me', he said grabbing yet another slice.

the three of us burst into laughter as a boy walked past us. i had never seen him around so i could only assume he was new. he had dark brown hair and green eyes, his hair was curly like a little lamb and was quite thin. he was wearing some black skinny jeans with a plain black hoodie on, rocking some old, black converse and a paper airplane necklace around his neck. he was extremely handsome.

a very chiseled jaw line and blinding teeth. he saw me staring and smiled, sending me a wink and continuing his walk as he looked down, a crispy piece of paper in his hands which i could only assume was his new schedule.

i was definitely intrigued to find out more about this mystery boy.

as i focused my attention back to the boys, i found that they were still laughing. zay was clutching onto his stomach as lucas was trying hard not to pee himself.

'idiots', i said as i took my phone out from the back pocket of my blue jeans and checked the time. 11:55.

farkle had exactly 20 minutes to get here before sixth period started but knowing him, he'd be back just in time. such a punctual boy.

as the two idiots finished their laughing session, i saw a very familiar face walk towards our table. right on cue.

'my boy!' zay said, standing up and walking over to him, giving him a 'bro' hug, 'how'd it go? did you..' he raised his eyebrows up and down as i pretended to gag.

they walked to our table, a large smile on farkles face. 'it went amazing, i took her out to eat some sushi and she absolutely loved it. we had a great time and we're gonna have dinner at françois cafe tonight.'

he sat down next to me, eyes full of love. 'aww i'm so glad sparkly! congrats', i hugged him from the side and then leaned onto lucas, trying to get warm. 'this cardigan is not helping me keep warm,' i said as he put his arm around me. we continued talking about our next core four friday until the bell rang making us slowly stand up and walk to our next class.

as i walked in my chemistry class, i noticed the same boy from lunch sitting in my seat. i walked over and stood in front of him.

'hi you're sitting in my seat. could you move please?' i asked, a smile on my face. he smiled back at me, showing off his dimples and stood up.

'is there anyone sitting here?' he asked, pointing at the chair next to me, with a deep british accent, making my heart pound and legs almost give out. i quickly sat down, trying to hide my nervousness and shook my head.

'nope. the seat is all yours...' i paused waiting for him to tell me his name as he sat down and smiled at me again.

'ricky, ricky henderson. and you?' he asked, ruffling his luscious brown curls with his hand.

'i'm maya. maya hart.'

'what a beautiful name for a beautiful girl.' he said looking into my eyes, making me sweat. i laughed nervously and averted my eyes towards the teacher that had just walked in.

she introduced the new boy and i found out he was from london, his parents found a new job here making him have to leave his friends and school and life behind to start a brand new one.

'i'm very excited though,' he said glancing at me. 'i already feel like i'm fitting in just fine.'

he sat back down next me once the teacher was done explaining how to do the work and as we were finishing our workbooks, he would continuously look up from his paper and smile at me making me blush like an absolute maniac.

the class was over and the stares finally ended. as i walked out of class i saw that he was trying to catch up to me and once he did he ruffled his hair again and smiled, making my knees go weak once more.

'maya, hey.'

'hello'. i said, a smile slowly creeping from the corners of my lips.

'i wanted to tell you that... that you look very beautiful today, i mean this is the first time i've ever seen you but i'm sure you look beautiful every other day.' he laughed again, nervously, making me giggle.

'what?' i asked, going over to my locker.

'yeah well you see, i promised myself that if i ever a saw someone that caught my eye, i would let them know. life is too short to hold your tongue for those kinds of things.'

i opened my locker and smiled at him, the smile quickly turning into a frown as i saw my three boys walking towards me, a glare on their faces.

'oh well thank you. you're definitely not too bad yourself, ricky'. i said, closing my locker and praying that they wouldn't say anything stupid.

'so uh listen,' he said, clearing his throat. he was interrupted by the three boys running up to me and surrounding me. 'may baby!' zay said as he squeezed my cheeks.

'my ray of sunshine!' farkle said hugging me tight.

'my blonde beauty,' lucas said kissing me on the forehead. i pushed them off of me and scoffed. 'guys stop, i'm sorry ricky, what were you gonna say?' i asked, extremely annoyed.

he smiled again, showing off those dimples and chuckled. 'i wanted to know if i could get your number.' i smiled and bit my bottom lip, about to open my mouth when suddenly a hand was put over it.

'sorry no can do james corden, she doesn't have a phone. walk along now. goodbye.' farkle said, shooing him away with his free hand.

ricky gave him a displeased look and then looked back at me.

i bit farkles hand and he yelled, making zay and lucas laugh. 'take out your phone.' i told him as he took it out and i put my number in it.

'i'll text you later, ok?' he said showing off that heavenly smile of his.  he walked away, looking back once to wink at me as i almost melted for the 10th time.

'yeah i don't think so', farkle said once ricky was out of sight, his voice full of anger.

i walked away from them, turning around to flip them off before walking off to the school parking lot, a large smile on my face.

here i am updating at exactly 12. BUT IN OTHER NEWS, HELLO NEW CHARACTER. SO I KINDA WANNA IMAGINE HIM AS A MIX OF HARRY STYLES AMD HARRISON WEB IF THAT MAKES SENSE. anyways i hope you guys liked it. thanks sm for reading. ily guys 💛 (p.s i'm sorry if it's not very good, i'm very much quite tired lmao. goodnight xx)

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