yeah no, i dont think so

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HI LOVLEYS!! a couple of chapters ago i mentioned that i had a whole chapter/folder thingy full of chapters that i had began writing but decided weren't good enough for how i wanted the plot to go (even though i winged the whole thing. whoops) and i said that once i finished the story i would publish it. they're all labeled as to what chapter they were supposed to be and one of them has an authors note bc i almost published it but didn't SOOOO HERE IT IS! i hope you guys enjoy reading!

all the love

-s. xx



'how'd ya do on your test, pancakes?' lucas asked me as he stuffed his mouth with pizza.

we were sitting together at lunch, as we always did, eating some pizza and talking about our plans for after school.

'mmm', i said swallowing my cheesy slice, 'i did really well. as i always do. i got a 97'. he leaned over to me and high fived me.

'so proud of our little baby!' zay said, messing up my hair. i swatted his hand off of me and he kissed his hand acting as if i hit him hard.

'hey! i took the same test too guys. don't you wanna know what my score was?' farkle asked, practically begging for attention.

lucas and zay rolled their eyes. 'we already know what you got fark. the same score you always get: 100'.

'yeah. yay me' he said in a high pitched voice as he clapped his hands. i bit a piece of my food and laughed at him. 'what are you? london tipton?'

he winked at me and i pretended to barf the food i had in my mouth on him.

• • •


'may, what's your problem? why don't you like her. she's done nothing to you!' he yelled, raising his hands above his head.

i looked over and furrowed my eyebrows at him, clearly shocked at his behavior. 'don't you see farkle?!?', i said, swallowing down the large lump in my throat, 'this isn't you! this girl is changing you.' i moved away from him and sat on my bed, looking out into the dark sky. 'i want the old farkle back. the farkle who was there to listen when i needed him, not this bad boy kid who wears leather and skips coffee on fridays. the old farkle wouldn't even dream about missing a friday.'

my voice was shaky but i knew better than to cry in front of him when he was acting this way.

'maya,' i flinched at the sound of him using my real name, he only ever used it when he was upset.

'you see!' i said standing up, i could feel my face getting red and my eyes watery, 'you don't even call me sunshine anymore. why is that hmm?'

'it's a stupid nickname maya!' he said rolling his eyes at me and crossing his arms. 'or maybe it's because that riley girl told you not to call me that!!'

he threw his hands down and rubbed his face. 'maya, i'm done here.

• • •


it had been a couple of weeks since farkle had officially asked smackle out. it was a bit hard for them to see eachother since she went to a different school but they always seemed to have time for a eachother, even if that meant excluding us.

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