ricky meets the gang!

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'but i wanna warn you', i said before unlocking my front door, 'all my friends are here and.. like i said before... they're extremely over protective...'

we had just gotten back from the restaurant and arrived at my house, as promised. he was gonna meet the gang and i was internally sweating buckets just imagining how their encounter would go.

he put his hand on my cheek and smiled, 'hey, don't worry about it, ok? we're gonna be fine.' he leaned in and gave me a kiss on the cheek, reassuring me that everything would turn out fine.

i took in a deep breath and unlocked the door. 'welcome', i said as he closed the door behind him. i grabbed his hand and took him to the living room where the whole gang was.

riley was laying on zay while smackle, farkle and lucas were in their pajamas, playing candy land.

'hey guys.' i said nervously.

rileys head shot up and jumped off of zay, 'maya! how'd it-' she saw who was next to me and covered her mouth to hide her smile.

'hi,' riley said walking over to ricky. 'i'm riley, one of mayas best friends.' she said shaking his hand. he nodded his head and smiled at her. 'hey riley, i'm ri-'

'yeah i know,' she said, a humongous smile on her face, she turned around and sat back down on the couch staring at us, making me feel extremely uncomfortable.

'guys, this is my- friend?' i said looking at ricky, wondering what exactly we were.

he raised his hand and waved at them, the other one still holding onto mine.

'oh yeah. you're the kid that asked for her number a couple of days ago, no?' asked zay, standing up and crossing his arms.

'yeah hi, that's me', he said nervously in his deep, british accent.

farkle stood up and walked over to us, examining rickys clothes, looking him up and down and then looking at me. 'is he gonna hang out with us tonight?' he asked.

i nodded my head, giving him an annoyed look. 'yes he is farkle. is that a problem?'

he shook his head and crossed his arms, 'no, no problem here.' he took his hand out from his arms and shook ricky's hand.

'hey, nice to see you aga-'

'i'm watching you kid', farkle said, letting his hand go and going back to isadora.

'hey love!' lucas called out, 'you didn't tell us he was british.' he stood up from the ground and walked over to us, shaking his hand and then letting go.

'i didn't need to tell you. you heard him speak to me yesterday while we were talking at my locker, you idiot.' i said pulling ricky towards the couch and sitting him down.

'i'm gonna go change upstairs, do you want to borrow some of lucas' pajamas?' i asked, unbuckling my shoes.

'if it's not to much of a bother, yeah.' he said, smiling at me. god, i could stare at that smile all day. the way his lips were a light pink, thin yet plump at the same time. those dimples that made me weak to the knees every time he smiled at me. the straightness of his teeth that brought satisfaction to my eyes.

'no bother at all, i'll be back in a few.' i looked over at the group of people who were staring at us, 'and you', i said pointing at all of them. 'quit interrogating him.'

i quickly ran up the stairs and peeked my head in my parents room who were fast asleep, my mom laying her head on my dads chest as he had his arm around her. i smiled at their affection and closed the door walking over to my room.

i ripped the dress of of me and pulled the turtle neck off of my body, throwing it to the ground. i was in my under wear and bra as i went through my drawers trying to find something comfortable to wear.

i went into my bathroom and took off my mascara and applied some more chapstick while i hopped into my black joggers. i put on a black sports bra and a see through t-shirt as i grabbed some fuzzy socks and put them on my feet.

i went over to my closet and grabbed some pajama pants and another white t-shirt shirt for ricky and walked down stairs, not caring to look in the mirror to see what i looked like.

'here you go,' i said to ricky as i gave him the clothes.

he looked up at me and stood up, grabbing the clothes from my hands and giving me a kiss on the cheek. 'thank you butterfly, can you show me where your bathroom is?' he asked as i pointed to the opposite direction of the kitchen.

'across that hall, second door to the left', i said, smiling at him. he winked at me and then walked off into the bathroom as i threw myself on the couch, giggling like a young schoolgirl.

'isn't he perfect?' i asked staring up at the ceiling and sighing in pure happiness.

'so perfect', zay said, mocking me.

riley hit his chest and turned to me. 'he's a dream boat may, you guys are perfect for eachother. he's so sweet and talkative, he was telling us about his family.' she said.

'riles is right, you guys are so cute maya,' smackle said as she leaned against farkle, who hadn't said a word since i went up to change.

'thanks isadora,' i said tucking a strand of hair behind my ear. i paused for a moment. 'i really like him.' i confessed to them, sitting up and tucking my legs under my butt.

'and we're going on another date next weekend', i paused and then continued. 'ugh i can't wait.' i said untucking my legs and crossing them.

lucas rolled his eyes and scoffed. 'yeah and you really like me but you don't see us going on dates, hmm?' he said, putting the board game away.

i furrowed my brows at him and rolled my eyes. 'you make absolutely no sense at all huckleberry.' my phone dinged and i slid my finger against the glass, unlocking the phone and checking the unread message.

ricky🌹: i really like you too butterfly.

MY BB RICKY LIKES MAYA. (as if we didn't already know though lmao). farkle was quiet most of the time ... weird. ANYWAYSSS THANKS FOR READING AND I'LL SEE YOU ALL TOMORROW. 💛💛💛

'fun fact of the day': i was walking into my room with a bag over my shoulder and it hit a cup off of my table and shattered all over the ground. yay me

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