riles and izz

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lucas, farkle and i were all sitting in my living room, waiting for the other 3 to arrive.

lucas was on the recliner, calling the pizza place to order our food while i was sitting on the couch. farkle had placed a pillow on my thighs and decided that he wanted to take a quick nap on me, his long legs extended across the even longer couch.

'what is taking zay so long?', i asked as i brushed my fingers through farkles hair.
farkle shifted his body around, facing me, eyes still closed. 'i don't know sunshine but you're really comfy and i think i'm gonna stay on here forever'.

i shook my head and giggled. 'well you can't sparkly because you're little girlfriend is coming right now and she won't like it.'

he smiled and wrapped his arms around my waist. 'she's not my girlfriend love, you are, remember?'

i laughed and shook my head, recalling the memory of farkle and i in the sixth grade. lucas and zay were surrounding us as farkle was on his knee, a large ring in his hand, which we later found out was his mothers.

he told me how much he liked how my face lit up every time we saw a shooting star while laying in his tree house and how pretty he thought i was. he had asked me to be his girlfriend.

which was strange to hear actually. i had gained a lot of weight since the separation of my parents at the time and all the kids at school always made fun of me.

but not my boys, they were the only ones who would sit with me at lunch and talk to me, they didn't care that i was chubby and treated me like any other kid but by 8th grade i told them i was determined to lose weight and they helped me, making sure to accompany me to the gym and stop me from eating fatty foods.

i wouldn't be the person i was today without them.

once farkle asked me, i shrieked with joy and looked over at zay and lucas, large smiles on their faces. i grabbed the ring from farkles hand and put it on mine, giving him a tight hug.

we had never actually officially broken up so farkle always called me his girlfriend. and i secretly liked it, a lot.

'do you love her?' i asked suddenly, not even realizing what i had just said.

he quickly opened his eyes and raised an eyebrow at me and chuckled, still holding onto me.

he nuzzled up closer to my stomach and smiled. 'i could never love anyone as much as i love you sunshine, if that's what you're asking.'

i couldn't help but smile. (a/n LMAO IM SMILING RIGHT NOW)

as i was about to tell him i loved him back, my front door swung open revealing a very smiley zay and two girls behind him.

one was obviously the girl from the cafe, riley.

the other was isabella. she had glasses on and just from looking at her i could tell she was quite intelligent. i had never seen her around school but i could tell she was atleast 17. her short dress showed off her long, shiny legs and her smile was blinding. she was really pretty. she was standing next to riley, looking over at farkle and i, a puzzled look on her face.

'guys! you remember riley, right?'

'hey riley', i mumbled.

i shook farkle a little, moving his hands off of me and pushing his head off of my stomach. 'farkle', i said, 'wake up isabella is here'.

he sat up and rubbed his tired eyes. he stood up slowly, stretchinghis arms and walked over to her. 'its actually isadora sunshine,' he said hugging her.

'hey izz'. he looked her in the eyes and she blushed, causing me to look away in disgust.

'you call her sunshine?' she asked, seeming a bit bothered.

'yeah, she's my little ray of sunshine', he said walking over to me and giving me a peck on the cheek. i pushed him off of me shook my head, trying my hardest not to blush.

he walked back over to her, the five having their own conversation as i walked over to lucas. he had gotten off the phone with the pizza place and was shaking hands with riley.

i linked my arm with his and said hi to riley as well. 'you ok pancakes?' he whispered in my ear as we walked over to farkle and his isadora.

i nodded my head and smiled at her. 'hi isadora, i'm maya, nice to meet you'.

she smiled at me and shook my head. 'hi maya , you can call me smackle if you want. that's what my friends call me.'

i nodded and she suddenly grabbed me by the hand, ignoring lucas and quickly leading me into my kitchen, leaving farkle and lucas wondering where we were going.

'can i ask you something?' she said straight to the point as she nervously played with her straight, black hair.

i tapped on the marble counter i was leaned on and bit my lip. 'um yeah sure, what's up?'

she took in a deep breath and looked over to the living room. 'do you and farkle... i mean, are you and farkle a thing?' she asked leaning in closer to me.

my eyes widened and i looked behind me, making eye contact with him, he winked at me and i smiled back.

i looked over at her, hope in her eyes, i could tell she really wanted me to say no even though i so desperately wanted to say yes. i shook my head and swallowed. 'no we're just best friends, that's all'.

she smiled at me, flashing her perfect teeth. 'oh thank god.' she leaned in closer and whispered the worst thing she could have possibly ever said to me. 'i really like him and he really likes me. i think he's gonna ask me to officially be his girlfriend tonight.'

i raised my eyebrows and gave her a fake smile, she didn't notice though, she was to busy looking over at farkle. 'wow', i said, 'that's um.. that's great. farkles a great kid... you're very lucky.'

'i know right!' she said cheerfully as she excused herself and walked over to where the group of people were, leaving me alone with my thoughts in my kitchen.

a couple seconds later lucas came over and put his arms around me.

'is it true he's gonna ask her to be official tonight?' i asked as i buried my head in his chest.

'yeah ... i ... i'm sorry love.'

is this story a markle or lucaya story? i seriously don't even know myself. anyways hope you enjoyed xx thanks for reading you lovely, lovely people <3

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