oh my lucaya

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the final bell had rung and ricky and i both walked out of our last class together, hand in hand.

he walked me to my locker and i opened it, throwing my school bag in and grabbing my purse, checking my curled hair and then closing it.

'let's go on a date this saturday, yeah?' he asked me, walking behind me and wrapping his arms around my waist.

i smiled at his gesture and breathed in smelling his cologne that i had bought him for our two month anniversary.

i nodded and turned around, his arms still around me. i stood on my toes and kissed his soft lips, never wanting to let go of him.

'i would love to,' i responded back.

as he let go of me and grabbed my hand, we walked towards the front entrance where my boys were waiting for me, standing under a tree, talking to one another.

i let go of rickys hand once i saw them and ran to them, jumping on lucas. 'baby!' i said as he caught me. he smiled at me and kissed the top of my head, putting me down gently.

'other babies!' i yelled as i threw myself on the two other boys.

'sunshine, we just saw you in 6th period,' farkle said, putting his arm around me.

'hey guys', ricky said, waving at them.

they waved back and zay smiled. 'my favorite british dude!' he exclaimed.

'my favorite texas dude!' he answered back, putting his arm around his neck.

lucas scoffed. 'what about me, james corden?'

ricky chuckled and placed his other arm around lucas neck, 'guys, guys, cmon. there's enough of me to go around. no need to fight.'

farkle and i both laughed as the three talked.

we stood there, the cold breeze making my hair fly around until i spoke up.

'you still in love with smackle?' i asked him, his arm still around me.

he looked down at me and smiled. 'yeah. you still in love with ricky?' he asked back.

i looked over at him and smiled. the way my friends and family loved him brought joy to my heart even, more joy that he loved them just as much.


he chuckled and pulled me closer. 'time will tell,' he said, kissing my forehead and walking over to the group of boys.

'don't forget about me!' he said jumping on them.

i looked over and my heart did a small little back flip, 'my boys', i whispered to myself, a large smile across my face.

lucas looked over at me and excused himself from the group, walking over to me and smiling.

'hey baby,' he said quietly.

'hi love', i answered back. there was a long pause of us just standing there in silence, staring at eachother.

'you wanna come over later?' i asked him.

he rubbed the back of his neck and nodded his head. 'yeah i think i probably should.'

an itty bitty chapter for today.


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