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i walked outside and saw ricky standing on my steps, pastel colored peonies and a small cinnamon apple scented candle in his hand.

he moved to the side and unveiled a small picnic basket with a gray, fluffy blanket next to it.

i covered my smile with my hands and walked towards him, a large grin on his face.

'ricky', i said in disbelief, 'what is all of this?' i asked as he gave me the flowers.

he turned around and grabbed the small basket and held it in his hands. 'i just really wanted to see you.'

i looked to the ground and smiled, trying hard not to smash my lips onto his. i looked back up and set the flowers gently on the ground, trying not to ruin them.

i then sat myself on the ground, criss-crossing my legs and looking up at him. i nodded my head, signaling him to sit down as well.

he sat down and set the basket in front of us, taking out small little juice boxes and a container of freshly washed strawberries. he grabbed a lighter from the basket and lit up the candle, setting it right in the middle.

the air was filled with a cinnamon apple scent and i closed my eyes, enjoying the smell and the coldness of the night.

i opened them back up to see another container with melted chocolate in it and a smile grew in my face, knowing exactly what was gonna happen next. he opened the strawberry box and handed one to me.

'ricky, this is amazing.' i said as i leaned over and kissed him on the cheek.

'i figured i needed to do amazing things for an even more amazing girl.'

i stared into his green colored eyes and scooted over next to him, placing my hand in his.

'i really like you maya,' he said, placing his head on mine as i closed my eyes. i smiled at the sound of his british accent, the deepness of it bringing me chills.

i leaned in closer to him and giggled. 'you do?' i asked as he chuckled. 'yeah i do.'

i bit my lip. 'me too'.

he moved his head away from mine and looked at me. 'you do?' he asked, sounding surprised.

i furrowed my brows and laughed. 'of course i do, why else do you think i would've stayed with you in the cold when i could easily be inside with my friends?'

he laughed again and kissed my forehead. 'so it wouldn't be crazy if i asked you to be my girlfriend... after only a two weeks of knowing eachother?' he cleared his throat and looked into my blue eyes. 'maya, will you be my girlfriend?' he asked.

i laughed out loud and rubbed his hand which was still in mine. 'that sounds absolutely crazy. you are absolutely crazy ricky,' i said looking up at the star filled night sky, 'but i am also crazy,' i said.

i let go of his hand and laid back. he grabbed the fuzzy blanket and wrapped it around both of us. he laid down next to me as i scooted closer to him and leaned my head on his shoulder. he put his arm around me, making me feel safe and warm inside and out.

we were silent for a while as we laid there, staring at the stars and the moon. he would, everyonce in a while, look over at me with loving eyes and i would pretend to not notice.

after a while, i snuggled in closer, my head on his chest. i listened to his heartbeat and realized that i wouldn't mind staying here forever. i lifted my head up and looked into his eyes and leaned in, giving him a quick, but meaningful kiss.

as we let go, i looked back into his hypnotizing eyes and smiled.


everything is happening so fast and i actually like it.

THANKS SM FOR READING AND check out my status book for insight on my life. YEEEEEEAAAAHHH BOOOII

i'm so hyper right now holy cow i need to go on a run or something.

anywaaayyss i hope you guys have an amazing day/night and i'll see you guys next time.

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