the one where maya tries to get over farkle

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it was finally saturday and i was in bed, riley laying next to me, her head facing the edge of the bed. the boys were sleeping in the guest rooms next to and across from my room as they always did.

i stood from my bed and stretched my arms, going over to the balcony and opening the blinds, filling the room with sunlight.

8:42 a.m.

i always seemed to wake up early on the weekends and late on weekdays.

i walked over to my dresser and cleaned the black from under my eyes with a rag and some makeup remover, putting my hair in a pony tail and changing my pajama pants to some burgundy nike shorts, still wearing the hoodie from last night.

i walked into my bathroom and quickly brushed my teeth, trying my hardest not to wake up riley.

i looked at myself once more and shrugged my shoulders, content with what i was wearing.

and with that i ran down the stairs as quietly  as possible, only to find a shirtless huckleberry eating all my nutella and bananas.

'hey!' i said as i stood behind him. my voice startled him and he dropped the spoonful of chocolate on the ground making him frown.

'seriously pancake?' he said as he bent over and picked it up, examining to see if there were any hairs on it and then sticking it in his mouth.

'oh my god you're disgusting!' i said as i walked over to the pantry to get the cereal. 'take that back may.' he said, a smirk on his face.

'why would i take it back if it's true', and as soon as i finished my sentence, he came up to me and threw me over his back.

i giggled like a school girl and tickled his sides as he spun me around, singing the maya papaya song my dad use to sing to me when i was little.

'maya papaya! as short as a fly-a! maya papaya! oh she loves her dada!' he sang as i burst into laughter. 'that's not how it goes!' i said, snorting.

he busted out laughing and gently put me back on the ground, putting his arm around me.

'damn may, is there anything you can do that doesn't make you hot?' he said, brushing his shiny, dirty blonde hair with his fingers.

my cheeks turned bright red and i smacked his abs. i walked over to where the jar of nutella was and grabbed a spoon from the drawer and grabbed a heapful of chocolate, sticking it in my mouth and then smiling at lucas.

'yeah... wow..' he said, looking away, 'sorry may, still attractive', he said with a wink.

'why don't you date me then?' i said, a teasing smile on my face as i grabbed the milk.

he chuckled and grabbed the cereal for me, placing it on the breakfast table. 'i've thought about it may, i really have but one, i could never ruin our friendship, i loves you too much bb,' he said. ' and two, i could never do that to little ol' farkle, that's just not how best friends roll.'

my cheeks turned bright red as i processed the words that had just come out of his mouth. he would date me? well i mean, one of us was bound to have feelings for each other since all we ever did was hug and kiss.

'i'd want to date me too lukey'. i said grabbing two bowls and placing one in front of him. he laughed and poured himself some lucky charms as i ate honey bunches.

'can i... tell you something?' i said abruptly as he was about to take a bite of his food. he raised an eyebrow and put the spoon back in the bowl, directing his full attention to me.

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