maya, zay, lucas and farkle time

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'we're gonna have like an og core four friday tonight, is that okay?' i asked ricky as we walked together to our lunch table.

he grabbed my hand and our fingers interlocked, swinging our arms up and down. 'of course it's ok, you don't have to ask me for permission love. i told you, i want you to be happy.'

i looked up at him and smiled, realizing that i truly was in love with this boy. realizing that these butterflies would stay in my stomach forever, feeling safe and comfortable when i was with him.

'ricky?' i asked.

'yeah?' he said as we arrived to our table.

my mouth opened but no words came out, we sat there at the table, the boys staring at us and i couldn't seem to speak. my cheeks turned red in embarrassment and hid my face in his chest.

he put his arm around me and rubbed my back. 'i forgot what i was gonna say,' i lie as the four of them chuckle.

he kissed the top of my head and i sat straight up.

it was zay's turn to decide and we got happy meals from mcdonald's. we enjoyed the rest of our lunch, laughing most of the time because ricky ended up getting a princess tiara as a toy and i put on him and he looked so cute it was funny.

the lunch bell rang and i hugged my babies goodbye, kissing each of them on their forehead and patting their heads, telling them to be good.

'yes mom, we promise.' they all said as they walked away backwards, waving goodbye.

ricky walked me to my class and we kissed goodbye, savoring the moment and smiling on the inside and out.

an eternity later and school was over, i excitedly ran out of the classroom, leaving ricky behind as i jumped up and down in the hallways, my shoes squeaking with joy.

ricky walked towards me with a smile across his face and lifted his hands up. 'what are you doing, crazy?' he asks as i continued to jump, giggling.

'we're having a core four friday!!' i yell as i see the three boys walk towards us. 'babies!' i yell as i toss my bag on the ground and run towards them, making ricky chuckle and pick up my bag.

i jump on them and continue to spin as ricky grabs me by the waist and throws me over his shoulder, causing me to giggle even more.

'she's very excited for your guys' core four friday', he says, talking to the boys.

i hear zay laugh and he coughs. 'you're ok with this... right?' he asks, sounding a bit concerned.

ricky chuckles and puts me down, putting his arm around me. 'guys, i'm 110% fine with this, trust me. i just want my baby to be happy.'

'you hear that guys? he wants me to be happy. my boyfriend is the cutest. yours could never', i say as i stand on my tippy-toes and kiss his cheek.

'smackle and riley ok with this too?' lucas asks the two boys.

farkle nods his head and smiles. 'yeah she said that she knows how happy you guys make me and then she kissed me and told me to text her once i got there.' he smirked and looked at the boys, showing off his teeth.

'damn farkle. my girl just told me to have fun and then she told me she loved me.' he looked over at farkle and then at lucas and then at ricky, winking at him.

i looked at the four boys and felt extremely confused as to what was going on but decided to ignore it, boys are weird anyways.

ricky handed me back my bag and we all walked to the front of the school. i kissed ricky goodbye, as i always did. every time we kissed i can't help but smile during it. this kid made me so happy and i wanted to tell him so badly how much i loved him but every time i tried the words just wouldn't come out of my mouth.

'see you tomorrow?' he asks as my arms are around his neck. i bite my lip and nod my head, going in for another kiss.

'you guys are disgusting. get a room.' zay yells as he walks towards us.

'sorry mate!' ricky yells as he raises his hand and speaks with his deep british accent. i giggle and kiss once more before walking away. (a/n HOT BRITISH ACCENT. I MEAN JUST IMAGINE HARRYS VOICE ITS SO HOT AND DEEP AND I CANT FUNCTION WHY IS HE SO PERFECT. IF YOUVE NEVER HEARD HIM TALK JUST GOOGLE HARRY STYLES TALKING. thank me later.)

'by princess!' he yells as i turn around and blow him a kiss.

i get in farkles car and throw my bag in the back seat along with my body and sigh as lucas and zay say goodbye to ricky. 'god i am so in love with him.' i say as farkle starts the car up.

farkle turns around and looks at me, a slight smile on his face. 'long game?' he asks, as lucas and zay walk towards the car.

i look at him and give him the most loving smile and nod. 'long game.'


also go follow this peach stardusterso bc she's 8 away from 100!

and also my paris buddy mayaslaugh who is also extremely close to 100!

aight that's gonna be it for tonight. ily all sm and thanks for reading! bai 💛

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