"we're best friends?"

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we walked down the stairs, hand in hand, blanket still on us, once we had finished freaking out over what had just happened.

ricky and i would be going to a cute little cafe at 7 tomorrow night and i was beyond excited and nervous.

we walked into the living room where the boys were still talking about sports. as they saw us approach them, they became quiet.

'wow you guys sure did take a long time in there..' zay said, crossing his arms and raising an eyebrow at us.

we looked at eachother and sat down on one of the couches and re-wrapped the blanket around us. 'you know us girls..' riley said, looking at me for support.

'yeah.. uh when the blood pours out it's uh.. really hard to get the tampon in by yourself, if you know what i'm sayin', i said as i chuckled nervously. lucas and farkle both cringed and zays mouth fell to the ground, a disgusted look on his face.

riley and i smiled at them nervously and chuckled. 'that's what ya do when you're best friends', riley said. i looked at her and smiled. 'were best friends?', i whispered.

'well yeah.. only if you want to though.' she said a smile plastered across her face. i nodded my head and my smile grew wider.

'you guys are absolutely weird', lucas said interrupting our little moment. 'you're freaking lucky i'm gonna love you no matter what,' he said pointing at me.

i laughed and averted my attention towards
farkle. 'so anyways.. farkle. where's isadora? i thought you guys had dinner plans tonight?'

'oh she couldn't make it, she had to go to this family thing with her parents so we're just gonna go tomorrow night instead.'

riley looked at him and gave him a loving smile. 'i'm so happy for you and smackle, you really make her happy', she said, tucking a
strand of hair behind her ear.

'and she makes me', he looked at me after he finished and then quickly looked away.

as i sat there, processing the words that had just come out his mouth, i sat up and quickly put two and two together. 'wait a second sparkly,' i said, 'you're gonna go.. tomorrow night?' i smiled nervously, trying to hide my worridness.

'yeah at 7.. why?' he asked suspiciously.

'and where is it you're taking her?' riley asked, finally realizing what was happening.

'this french themed cafe.. i think it's called-'

' françois cafe..' i said, feeling extremely faint.

WOOOW TWO UPDATES IN ONE DAY. so i changed the name of the cafe and i fixed a couple of things in the previous chapters, for example, i accidentally skipped a number lolol i'm so smart, i know. ANYWAYS. i hope you guys enjoyed this itty bitty update. thanks for reading💖💖

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