"forever and always may"

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'and she told me her and her family are moving to california. she hates me, she absolutely hates me.'

riley and i were sitting on my bed, both of our backs against the white headboard, blankets covering us.

'well may, she kind of has a good reason to hate you?' she said, shifting her body towards me.

i rolled my eyes and slouched down lower into the blankets. 'i know she does riley..' i said as i covered my head with a pillow.

i pressed the pillow on my face and let out a loud grunt, pressing it harder and then screaming into it, making riley pull it off of my face and chuckle.

'don't let smackle ruin what you've been waiting to have since like', she paused and looked to the door and then back at me, 'since like... how long have you wanted this?' she asked, raising an eyebrow at me.

i chuckled at her and raised my body back up, scooting closer to her and resting my head on her shoulder.

'since he asked me to marry him in the seventh grade..' i said, making her laugh again.

'you guys were made for each other,' she said, placing her head on top of mine.

i nodded and lifted my head, looking over at her, a large smile on my face.

she smiled back and we suddenly both began to laugh, slow chuckles until we were both randomly giggling uncontrollably.

'why...' she asked, gasping for air, 'why are we laugh-laughing?' she asked, wiping fake tears from her face.

i shook my head and gasped for air, holding onto my stomach.

once our laugh attack, caused by sleep deprivation, was over, we were both laying on the floor of my room, our stomachs in pain; eyes threatening to shut.

when sleep was beginning to hit both of us hard, the door to my room opened and riley and i slowly lifted our heads to see zay and lucas and farkle standing at the door way, a box of pizza in their hands.

'put your clothes on girls! we're coming in. or don't, your choice,' zay said as the two other boys laughed along with him. riley and i both scoffed at them and i shook my head.

'i mean, you're already in. why ask?' i said to him.

the three boys walked in and sat around us as they opened the box, the smell hitting my nostrils and making my somewhat empty stomach growl.

'is it pepperoni?' i asked them as i lifted my head up again.

lucas laughed and nodded his head. 'of course baby. just for you,' he grabbed a slice and put it to my face, 'you know you want some,' he said as he taunted me.

i quickly sat up and grabbed it from his hand, taking a bite out of it and sighing in satisfaction.

'this is so good,' riley said as i nodded, agreeing with her.

farkle scooted over to me and laid his head on my lap, closing his eyes.

'i've been in love with you since day one sunshine. nothing or no one could have changed that. i love you more than words could possibly describe.' he said to me, making me feel all warm and fuzzy on the inside.

'i'm glad it's you sparkly,' i said to him.

'forever and always may, forever and always'.

hi the next chapter is the last chapter. :))))

all the love,

-s. xx

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