"if happiness for you is him, then i'm happy"

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the excitement of the night got the best of us and we stayed laying down for a while, large smiles on our faces. i knew it was crazy to accept his offer since we had just recently met but it felt so right.

after a while of just staring at eachother, we decided to not let the strawberries, or the chocolate, go to waste so we finished them and blew out the candle, picking everything up and putting it in his car.

'you wanna come inside?', i asked as he leaned against his car. he smiled and shook his head.

'it's getting late butterfly,' he said checking the watch on his wrist, 'maybe some other time'.

i nodded my head and stood on my tippy toes, kissing him, smiling as we let go.

'i'll see you at school tomorrow, beautiful', he said walking over to the drivers seat and and getting in, starting the car off and blowing me a kiss before driving off into the darkness.

i smiled at myself, still facing the street, holding my arms and squealing. ricky had just asked me out and i said yes. after knowing eachother for only a short time, i said yes and i couldn't believe it.

it felt unreal. he was unreal. he was absolutely perfect in every single way and it left me speechless just thinking about him. i heard the front door open and swiftly turned around, seeing all four of my friends coming over to me.

riley was the first to approach me and she hugged onto me.

'maya, we were worried sick about you! what are you doing out here alone?' she asked, letting me go and placing her hands on her small waist.

i looked at her and closed my eyes and opened them slowly, a cheesy grin on my face.

'ricky came over and we had this picnic and..' i bit my lip again and smiled, looking up at the stars, 'he asked me out'.

riley jumped up with joy and embraced me in a hug while the other boys just watched, not knowing what the hell was going on.

'maya! i'm so happy for you babe!!' she said. i grabbed her hands and jumped again, giggling.

'it's so soon but you guys seem so perfect for eachother,' she said letting go.

'who seems perfect for eachother?' lucas said walking over to us.

i put a loose strand of my hair behind my ear and nervously smiled at him.

he walked in the middle of us put his arm over our shoulder. 'are you talking about me again?' he asked teasingly.

i laughed and moved his arm off of me. 'you wish friar', he laughed and ruffled my hair, 'um so i have something i need to tell you all and i'm not sure how you guys are gonna take it.' i said aloud.

the two other boys walked over, a worried expression on their face.

'just promise me that you guys won't hate me.' i said.

farkle laughed and grabbed my hand. 'we could never hate you, sunshine.'

zay grabbed my other hand and smiled. 'never in a million years baby.'

lucas kissed the top of my head and chuckled. 'we love you too much love.'

i took in a other deep breathe, looking for courage and when i realized i wasn't gonna find it, i just ripped it off like band aide.

'ricky and i are dating now.'

lucas was the first to react, moving the boys away and hugging me, brushing my hair with his fingers.

'i'm happy for you princess.' he said as my body finally relaxed.

'i personaly think it's a little to soon but.. if you're happy then i'm happy baby.' zay said hugging me as well.

farkle was the last to respond. his expression was blank and he stared off into the road, not a single word.

when he finally spoke up he pushed lucas out of the way and grabbed both of my hands. 'we're in it for the long game right?' he asked, speaking so only i could hear. i nodded my head and he pulled me in a hug.

'if happiness for you is him, then i'm happy love.'


i'm so close to 100 i can almost taste it.

i feel like this story is dragging on for EVER AND IDK IF I LIKE HOW LOKG THIS IS GONNA END UP BEING BUT OH WHALE

thanks for reading you lovely people. since i have a status book now, these little author notes aren't gonna be as long. i'll just be writing what i would normally say here on there so go check it out?


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