izz is over it

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'and then we drove all around the city singing along to our favorite songs and declared still into you our song. it was one of the greatest nights of my life.' i said, feeling butterflies in my stomach once again.

the two girls and i were spread across my large bed, two half way asleep, i to excited to sleep.

'wow maya it's 5:23 in the morning, do you think we could get some shut eye for a while? the body needs to rest.' smackle said as she threw the white covers over her head.

i giggled and nodded my head, getting up from the bed and turning the lights off. i walked back, getting in between the two and laying my head on rileys shoulder.

'goodnight lee,' i whispered to her as she scooted closer to me, already asleep.

'goodnight mack,' i whispered to smackle who was laying on my other side.

'goodnight p, love ya', she whispered back.

i brought the covers up to my neck, a necessity when sleeping, feeling the sleepiness hit me. my body began to relax and my eyes fluttered shut and before i knew it, i was sound asleep.



i was woken up by lucas hovering over my body, hands around his mouth to make his voice louder. as if i couldn't hear him.

i scoffed and threw the covers over my head, patting around to see if smackle or riley were next to me.

when i felt there was nothing there, i sat up and  quickly regretted it, the bright sun hitting my freshly opened eyes.

'where's mack and lee?', i asked groggily as i scratched my back.

'well good morning to you too love,' lucas said as he joined me in the bed. once he sat down, i scooted close to him and laid my head on his chest, closing my tired eyes.

'how'd it go last night?' he asked.

last night. my lips turned upwards at the thought of what had happened last night. ricky told me he loved me.

'he told me he was in love with me,' i said as i broke into yet another smile, eyes open.

he put his hand on my back and rubbed it. 'no more farkle?' he asked.

i shut my eyes once again and bit my bottom lip. 'i don't know lukey. i don't think i'll ever be able to answer that,' i said truthfully.

'you're so confusing may, i swear but don't worry though, i still wove you', he said moving me off of him and getting up from the bed.

'now c'mon,' he said ripping the covers off of me, 'the whole gang is here and they're using your moms waffle maker.'

i quickly stood up at the sound of them using my mother's waffle maker.

'i'm up!' i yelled as i ran to the bathroom and brushed my teeth.

'let's go!' i said to lucas as we both ran down the stairs.

as i placed my foot on the last step of the stairs, my stomach began growling at the smell of freshly made waffles and cut up strawberries.

'waffles!!' i yelled as i ran into the kitchen and latched my arms around zays neck.

'hi baby!' i said to him as i kissed his cheek.

'good morning lee!' i yelled to riley as i jumped over to her and ruffled her hair.

'mack darling! how are you?' i said to smackle as i squeezed her cheeks and poked her forehead.

'sparkly!' i yell lastly as i jump onto farkle and he catches me. i kiss his cheek and smile, laying my head on his cheek.

smackle frowned at our affection and i quickly got off of him, not wanting to start drama.

'isn't life amazing?' i ask as he looks at me, a confused expression.

'he told you he loved you didn't he?' farkle asked, a smile across his face.

i jumped up down, giggling like a maniac and the rest burst into laughter.

'you're so crazy love,' zay said as he served himself a waffle, 'why don't you invite your boy over for dinner tonight so we can congratulate you two.'

i stopped jumping and grabbed my phone from my pocket.

'I'M CALLING HIM BEFORE ANYONE CAN CHANGE THEIR MIND!' i yelled as i dialed his number. it ringed a few times before i heard his voice.

'hi baby,' i said as i walked away from the group. they all followed me and i rolled my eyes.

'yeah i just woke up. listen, we're having dinner tonight at my house, you wanna come?' 

i walked into the living room and all five of them continued to follow me around, covering their mouths and trying to listen to our conversation.

'and then you can meet my parents!' i said. we had been dating for two whole months but never had the chance to meet my parents even though i had already met his lovely family.

'yay i'm so excited, ok see you at... 7? ok bye love..' he said i love you and i knew that once i said it back they would all start 'ooing' and 'awwing' so i ran to the kitchen again and said it as fast as i could.

'iloveyoutoobye', i said as they all ran towards me. i quickly ended the call and stuck my phone back into my pocket.

'you're lucky you ended that call fast sunshine, we were about to make kissy sounds and zay was even gonna moan.' farkle said, a smirk on his face.

'you guys are so childish.' i said to them as they laughed and i grabbed a waffle and bit into it.

'you're parents are finally get to meet your boyfriend !' smackle said, emphasizing the words 'your boyfriend'. i noticed the tone in her voice and bit my lip nervously.

'hey! they've already met me,' farkle said as he came over to me and kissed my cheek.

my cheeks went red and i quickly looked over to smackle who uncomfortably laughed and then looked down at her feet.

i pushed farkle away from me and laughed nervously as the rest laughed along, not caring.

i had a feeling farkle and i's closeness was finally hitting isadora and i was nervous to see what would happen next.

ya'll aren't ready. :)

also, i have this special chapter called 'maybe but probably not' where i write chapters and then realize they don't match with the story and i put them there just in case i want to use them for another time and i think i'm gonna publish it once i finish the story just so you guys can see what could have happened.

the next three chapters are dedicated to duhmarkle who hates me bc micky. ILYY


all the love,

-s. xx

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