shawn and corey forever!

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a/n- i changed the ending to the last chapter bc i'm actual indecisive trash.

'shawny, is that really you?' corey asked, letting go of topangas hand and walking over to him.

my father nodded his head and swallowed, sweat on his forehead. as corey approached him, a large smile was quickly put on his face and corey put his arms around him, pulling him in a tight embrace. my father did the same, hugging even tighter.

they let go and grabbed eachothers shoulders, looking at one another, large smiles still on their faces. 'i can't believe it's you, corey.'

corey shook his head. 'i- neither can i. i missed you shawny', he said as he pulled him in another hug.

i looked over at topanga who still had a shocked expression in her face, her eyes glistening as though she was about to cry.

i stood in the middle of the group and looked all around me. 'ok guys, what the heck is going on here.'

everyone else nodded their heads, wanting to know how it was that they already knew eachother.

'we were best friends all through elementary school and the beginning of college,' my dad put his arm around corey, 'absolutely inseparable, the greatest friendship known to man kind, nothing could tear us apart.' he said, looking over at topanga.

'but then he met her and they dated throughout their whole lives, until our high school graduation when she,' he pointed at her, 'proposed to him and they eloped while in college. his parents told him not to go, told him to wait, but mr. corey here didn't listen. they left without saying goodbye and i never heard from them ever again.'

my father looked over at corey and smiled again, 'until now!' he yelled, wrapping his arms around him.

my mother looked around and had a funny look on her face, she walked over to topanga and shook her hand. 'hi topanga, i'm shawns wife, katie. uh.. it's nice to meet you', she said, a smile on her face.

topanga smiled back at her, 'katie, hi. it's nice to see shawny so happy.' she said letting go and walking around to introduce herself to the rest.

my father was the last one to greet and she went in for a handshake but my father swatted her hand and pulled her into a hug. 'i'm sorry shawn', she said lifting her head.

'it's ok, love makes you do stupid things.' he said as they both chuckled.

'now that everyone has met eachother and reunited or whatever, can we eat? i'm starving!' lucas said, grabbing onto his stomach.


after dinner, the kids had to help wash dishes and clean the table while the adults went to the basement where my parents made a hang out spot for the adults with a bar, a large tv, sofas, a pool table, vending machines and a pantry full of food that we were not allowed to touch.

'so our parents were best friends?? that means we were meant to be best friends forever and ever!!' riley squealed, drying her hands and jumping on me.

i shook her off of me and giggled, poking her forehead.

'sorry riles but maya is ours, we're not sharing.' lucas said as he put the dishes away, 'i'm definitely not sharing, I already have to share with these losers.' he said pointing at farkle and zay who scoffed at him.

riley rolled her eyes and once we were done we all went upstairs to my room and hung out.

'so how are you liking your first family barbecue?' farkle asked riley as he laid on me.

we were all laying on my bed, trying not to fall. zay and riley were sitting against the frame next to farkle and i while lucas sat where our legs were at.

'i love it. i really enjoyed dinner. lucas, i never knew your dad was so funny.' she said to him.

he shrugged his shoulders and smirked. 'he gets it from me.'

i laughed out loud and tapped him lightly with my foot. 'yeah right, you loser.' i told him as he stuck his tongue out at me.

i was secretly glad it was just the five of us, smackle was always so awkward and uncomfortable looking, always following farkle around like a puppy dog. she never spoke unless farkle spoke first.

i grabbed my phone from my nightstand and saw i had a message from ricky.

ricky🌹: hey butterfly, you home?

i smiled and responded back.

maya: yeah i am :)

zay looked over at me and raised a brow, 'who you texting?', he asked, leaning over to me. i quickly locked my phone and bit my lip.

'no one...' i said as it dinged again.

ricky: come outside, yeah?

i looked around the small group as they all conversed, forgetting about me.

maya: are you here?

ricky: ;)

i could feel my cheeks getting red and i got up from the bed, quickly excusing myself. the group was left confused as to why i left but continued with their conversations.

i ran down the stairs, shoeless and opened the front door to see ricky standing on the steps with a bouquet of pastel colored peonies.


i hope you guys enjoy and thanks for reading my loves.

oh & btw i decided to publish a status book called status book. original, i know. but go and check it out!

see you guys next time ! xx

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