core four friday

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we had gathered up at topangas after school, as we always did every friday night. all three of us sitting across from eachother, waiting, in one of the only booths that the owner hadn't taken away.

we had begged her to keep at least one booth and after weeks and weeks of pleading she caved in and let us keep the one farthest from the door, close to a big window where, during night, we would sit and look at the stars

i checked the time on my phone and sighed. '6:34, where is tha-'. before i could finish my sentence, mr. 'i'm always late to everything' arrived through the front entrance, football bag across his chest, sweat running down his damp shirt.

'i'm sorry guys,' he said, breathing heavily and sitting next to zay, 'sawyer was late again and coach made us run 4 extra miles'.

zay scooted away from him and pinched his nose. 'that explains the smell.'

farkle and i laughed and lucas glared at us, wiping some sweat off of his forehead and wiping it on my arm.

'ew! you sicko. what is wrong with you!' i yelled at him as i grabbed a napkin off of the napkin holder and cleaned off my arm.

he raised an eyebrow and chuckled. 'pancakes. i don't think there's enough hours in the day to answer that question'.

i flipped him off and he winked at me, making me stick my tongue out at him. farkle elbowed my side and kicked lucas under that table, making us both say 'ow'at the same time.

'you guys are so immature. grow up'.

as i was about to stick my tongue out at him, a tall, brunette came over to our table, wearing an apron and a notepad in her hand. she must've been new because we had never seen her work there before.

'hey guys. did you guys wanna order anything or..?' she asked in a shy but sweet voice.

'no. we just came to sit and watch other people eat. of course we want something.' lucas said clearly annoyed at her question.

her smile quickly faded and her cheeks turned red, clearly embarrassed.

i glared over at lucas and kicked his leg, making sure that i would leave a bruise.

he grunted in pain and i smiled in satisfaction.

'i'm sorry about him love, he's on his period right now'. i said to her looking over at him and smirking.

she giggled and lucas gave her a look making her stop. she cleared her throat and clicked her pen, 'do you guys want to start off with some coffee?'

'yeah, i'll have a strawberry smoothie and your phone number on the side'. said zay as smoothly as possible.

my mouth dropped and i turned to lucas and farkle, a proud look on their face.

the girl turned bright red and she wrote down his order, ignoring his question. she cleared her throat again, a smile creeping out from her lips, 'and you?', she asked me, trying hard not to giggle.

'oh um, i'll have the exact same thing he wants', i said pointing at zay. i paused and my eyes grew wide realizing what i had just said , 'just not the number part'.

she blushed again and pointed at farkle with her pen, 'and you?'

he chuckled and looked at his hand, 'don't worry , i won't be asking for your number... i'll have a cafe americano and a chocolate muffin.'

she wrote down his order on her yellow notepad and looked at the blonde sitting across from me, a displeased look on her face.

'you', she said pointing at him with her finger, 'you just gonna sit there and watch them order or are you gonna tell me what you want?'

zay clutched his heart, clearly pleased at her sarcasty attitude that matched his and grabbed her hand. 'will you marry?'

her eyes widened and she giggled, slowly taking her hand out of his, focusing her attention back on the rude blonde.

'i'm gonna have a chocolate muffin and a hot chocolate with marshmallows'. he said head down looking at the table.

she smiled and told us she'd bring us our order in a few, looking over at zay and winking as she walked away. once she was out of sight, he got up from his seat and stood in front of us. 'sorry guys but i gotta go buy this girl an engagement ring, see y'all later'.

farkle grabbed his arm and sat him back down, 'dude chill, you can't get a girl by acting desperate, you gotta ease your way into her heart, slowly. how do you think i'm gonna win over sunshine?' he said with a smirk as he looked over to me.

zay and lucas looked at farkle and smiled, high fiving him. i rolled my eyes at them and pinched his arm.

'i need to find new friends'. i said as farkle tried rubbing the pain away.

'oh baby,' said zay, 'you love us and you know it.'

'you love us to much to leave us.' farkle said putting his arm around me. i smiled at him and looked at all three of them.

'guys..' i said as i was about to start gushing over how lucky i was.

'oh no'.

'here she goes again'.

i leaned over to lucas and hit his chest, 'she's gonna be all cheesy, i can feel it.' he said to them.

'i hate you guys.... but i love you guys' i paused and looked at them, remembering everything we had gone through, the good and the bad, but mostly the good. 'and i'm the absolute luckiest girl in the world to get to have such amazing friends in my life. i don't know what i would do without you guys. thanks for always sticking around.'

lucas and zay 'awed' and came over to mine and farkle side, squeezing into the seats, making us put our arms around eachother and i smiled again. 'my boys.'

'you know it baby.'

'forever and always, sunshine.'

'till death do us part.'

it will get better. i promise. :)

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