oh my lucaya pt. 3

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we rode the 2 minute drive to his house in silence, the only sound coming from the lowered radio and my hand going into the paper bag to pull some fries out.

once we got to his house, he opened his two car garage and parked inside, turning the car off and getting out.

he came over to my side and opened the door for me, helping me with the drinks and bag while i grabbed my purse and got out of the car.

he unlocked the door and we got inside, entering his kitchen. i looked around and smiled. his mom was always good at decorating, the counters were marble and the walls were white, except for the one wall in their dinning room, it was a single blue wall with a circle glass table right in the middle, a bay window in the kitchen where she had small pillows and a fuzzy blanket.

during wintertime all four of us would sit there and watch the snow fall, his mom would make us hot chocolate and sometimes we would sleep there, the heat of our bodies keeping us warm.

'i'm gonna go change really quick,' he said, walking out of the kitchen, 'do you want any pajamas?' he asked.

'yes please.' i respond. he walked out and i walked toward the refrigerator. their fridge was full of pictures of family and us.

one was of us in the seventh grade, we were at zays house, swimming in his pool and we all had popsicles in our hands.

our arms around eachother trying hard not get the ice cream on eachothers hair, large, happy smiles across each of our faces.

'here,' he said walking back with a t-shirt and pajama pants on his body. 'don't worry, i washed them', he said, handing me some of my old pajamas that i had left there.

'thanks.' i said grabbing the shirt and pants from him, 'i'm gonna go change real quick', i walk past him and go into the guest bedroom.

the house was practically two, on one side was lucas large room and the master bedroom that came with two large walk in closets and a small little living room where his mom had a couch and a coffee table.

our moms would sit in there and drink wine and laugh all day when we would come over.

on the other half of the house there were two rooms, both with their own bathroom, a full wall separating them, making them their own private space.

the rooms were neatly decorated, beds were made every single day, bathroom floors were a white marble, so elegant.

the living room was my favorite part of the house, 3 white couches and another marbled coffee table in the middle with a new set of flowers everyday.

a fire place below the large tv and pictures plastered all over the walls.

i changed out of my black jeans and jacket and put on the comfy pink pajama pants and an oversized hoodie.

i folded my clothes neatly and placed them in a drawer, deciding to leave them there so that, next time, i'd have more choices on 'going out clothes' to wear.

i walked into the dining room where lucas was sitting, eating some chicken nuggets and fries.

i walked over and sat down, placing my foot under my butt and letting the other one swing around.

'i love chicken nuggets,' i say as i grab one and dip it into the ketchup.

lucas looks up to me and smiles. 'remember the day that riley and smackle came over to your house for the first time and you and i went to go pick up the pizza and while we were sitting in the car, you leaned over and placed your head on my shoulder?'

i nodded, remembering how safe and comfortable he made me feel that day and whole month. coming over unannounced just to make sure i was ok, doing everything he could to help heal my broken heart.

'of course i remember. without you, i probably would still be sad', i said looking up at him and taking one of his fries.

he chuckled and looked down at his food. 'maya.' he said looking at me.

'i like you.' he says.

and my heart stops

bet you guys didn't see that coming. HAHA JK THIS IS SO CLICHE.

ALSO, i made an Instagram. SO GO FOLLOW ME AND ILL FOLLOW YOU BAAACCCK. it's the same user as this one. :))))

am i to 'peppy'? bc i feel like i am lmao

gracias for reading guys. till next time

-s. xx

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