flowers for izz

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i heard farkle honk his horn as i quickly devoured my cereal and threw it in the sink.

i walked towards the kitchen table where my dad was sitting, as he always was every morning. reading his newspaper, coffee mug in hand, with his reading glasses hanging from the tip of his nose.

'i'm leaving daddy-o'. i said as i leaned in and gave him a kiss on the forehead.

he lifted his head up from reading and looked me up and down, a smile creeping from the sides of his lips.

'well will you look at that,' he said. 'my baby's all grown, a senior in high school. you know maya, pretty soon you're gonna go to college and leave your mother and i and my heart won't be able to take the sepera-'

i hit his arm and scoffed, 'dad, you do this to me every morning! farkles waiting for me outside i have to go. bye love you.'

he chuckled and shooed me away with his newspaper, 'bye my little maya papaya, i love you! drive safely!' he yelled as i grabbed my bag and keys from the small table at the entrance of the doors.

i quickly put my vans on and stepped outside, locking the door behind me and running towards the car.

'sparkly!' i yelled as i opened the passenger door and threw myself on him. 'i missed you!'

he chuckled and hugged me back, rolling his eyes. 'sunshine, i just saw you.'

i giggled and buckled up, propping my feet up on the dashboard and turning the radio up.

'i just cleaned the car, may, cmon'. he said, pushing my feet off. i stuck my tongue out at him as i sang along to 'hey jude' by the Beatles as loud as my voice could.

he looked over at me as the song was finishing, a smile on his face. 'love, your voice is beautiful, could you sing for me more often?'

i blushed and grabbed my bag from my legs, throwing it in the back. i looked back to see if anything had fallen and my eyes met with a beautiful bouquet of roses.

i furrowed my brows, extremely confused as to what they were doing there, i mean.. it wasn't my birthday.. our 14 year friend-aversary wasn't until next august and nobody had died.

'who are those flowers for?' i asked as he turned into the drive thru of starbucks. 'oh they're for isadora, today is our one month anniversary. i'm gonna stop by her school and give them to her during lunch.'

'aww happy anniversary sparkly!' i said, throwing my arms around him as he ordered our usual drinks.

today marked a month since our group of four had expanded to six. it was weird at first, i was so use to having the boys to myself that it was weird for me to see them give attention to others. especially farkle.

it was hard in the beginning, seeing him and isadora all lovey dovey right in front of my face, so 'in love'. i remember the first few times we all hung out together, i wasn't really myself, i didn't talk as much, i ignored everyone and just sat there. staring at the wall.

i rarely slept at night, my thoughts too busy recalling all the times farkle and i had special moments. specifically freshman year, the night i had found out that, my then boyfriend had cheated on me. it was one of the only times i had ever cried over a boy and i was absolutely heartbroken. i remember telling the boys and lucas and zay becoming infuriated, asking me if i wanted them to teach him a lesson. i told them that i just needed time and that i wanted to be alone.

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