penelope is going on a date

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unknown number: hey butterfly

maya: 1. who are you. 2. how did you get my number. 3. why tf are you calling me butterfly.

unknown number: 1. ricky. 2. you gave it to me. 3. idk you seemed so free, so loose like, so beautiful, just like a butterfly.

i looked down at my phone and re-read the message over and over again. 'riley! look at this! oh my god hurry up and look at this'. i yelled as she ran from the couch to the kitchen, where i was standing.

'what maya! what?!?' riley yelled back, sliding into the kitchen with her fuzzy socks.

'look at this! look at thiiiisss', i screamed, jumping up down. she walked over to me and read the messages on my phone, looking up at me, a huge, excited smile on her face.

'is this-'

'Y-Y-YEAAAAH', i said.

'YESS', she yelled back as i put my phone down and we grabbed eachothers hands, jumping up and down in a circle. 'he likes you maya', she said as the front door to my house opened up.

'who likes maya?' askes farkle as he walked in with zay and lucas, chinese take out in their hands.

riley and i looked at eachother and i quickly grabbed my phone and put it in my pocket. 'oh nobody... hey is that our food?' riley asked going over and grabbing a box and walking over to the dining room.

'yeah it's the food..' farkle said, a suspicious look on his face, he looked me up and down before walkinh over to my refrigerator and grabbing a soda can.

i walked over to lucas and smiled at him. 'mmmm did you bring me my teriyaki chicken?' i asked him as he pulled out my box from the bag, handing it to me and winking.

'how could i forget my favorite girls chicken?' he said flapping his arms as i giggled, walking over to where riley was sitting.

'that was a freaking close one', she said slurping a noodle in her mouth.

i sat down next to her and opened the box, mixing the steamed rice, chicken and chow mein all together and began taking bites out of the delicious, hot food. 'do you really think he likes me?' i asked, mouth full of noodles.

she nodded her head and smiled. 'dude yes! is it not obvious??' she paused and took another mouthfull, 'have you texted him back yet?'

'crap! i haven't, he's gonna think i'm ignoring him..' i said as i quickly pulled my phone out, i tapped my fingers on the marble table and look at riley, 'what do i say?' i asked, a worried look on my face.

'ask who what?' lucas said as all three boys sat down around us, food in their hands. farkle sat next to me and eyed my phone as i quickly locked it and put in between my thighs. 'hey! don't be nosey, minkus.' i said eating some more of my food.

'uhh i have every right to be nosey, penelope.' farkle said, poking my forehead. i rolled my eyes and took my phone out again, putting the brightness all the way down and replying to ricky.

maya: could you get any sweeter?

as i saved his number, riley looked over to my phone and i showed her what i had said while the boys were busy talking about god knows what. she smiled at me and gave me a thumbs up.

ricky👀: how about i show you just how sweet i can be tomorrow at françois cafe over dinner?

i could feel my cheeks turning bright red, a huge smile on my face and butterflies in my stomach.

'are you ok love?' zay asked me, a concerned look on his face.

i looked up from my phone and then at riley, nodding my head. 'i have to go to the bathroom', i announced as i pinched her under the table, advising her to follow me.

'OW!' she yelled. i gave her a look and she put her chopsticks down, 'uh yeah me to, let's go together??!!' she said standing up and walking behind me.

'you're gonna go together? i swear you guys get weirder and weirder by the day', lucas said as we nodded our heads. the three boys looked at us as we ran up the stairs and into my room, slamming the door behind us.

she sat on my computer desk chair and looked at me as i threw myself on my freshly made bed. 'what happened?' she asked, spinning in circles like a child.

i sat up and scooted to the edge of the bed, giving her my phone. she scanned through the messages and her mouth opened. 'this is so cute!!!!', she said squealing.

'what do i do??' i asked her as i scratched my head and crossed my legs. she scooted over to me and smacked me across the head.

'are you an idiot?? you're gonna go and you guys are gonna fall in love and get married and have beautiful babies.'

i scoffed and raised a brow. 'riley unicorn-rainbows matthews, if you ever hit me again i will snap your twig arm in two, got it?' i said as i rubbed my head.

she raised her hands in surrender and gave me my phone back.

'should i really go out with him?' i was biting my nails and i had a blanket around my shoulders, extremely nervous.

'do you want too?' she asked getting off the chair and getting under the blanket with me.

i looked over at her and placed my head on her shoulder, biting my lip and smiling. 'kind of..'

she placed her head on top of mine and as she spoke, i could tell there was a big smile on her face. 'well then looks like you're going on a date with ricky'.

maya: what time should i be ready?

AYYYYYY HI HELLO WELCOME OR WELCOME BACK. that butterfly nickname is so lame i cringe but i couldn't think of anything else. but anyways, thanks for reading, i love you guys BUNCHES 💖💖 comment what you guys think i should make the next chapter about ; )

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