the one where two months pass

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two months. two whole months had passed since ricky had asked me out, since corey and my father reunited, since riley and i had become extremely close, since ricky officially became part of the group.

it was a wednesday, which meant it was my turn to pick what we were going to eat for lunch and i had decided on just staying at lunch and eating some pizza so we didn't have to leave.

the bell rang, which informed us that it was finally lunch time. i stood up from my chair and walked over to my locker which was right next to my class.

i emptied out my bag and grabbed my wallet and portable charger, throwing in my large purse and grabbing my small one.

'hey princess,' i heard someone call behind me.

i turned around and smiled, knowing exactly who it was.

'hi love,' i responded back, giving him a hug and a kiss on the cheek.

'you ready for lunch? the boys are already sitting down waiting for your grand decision', he says in his deep accent.

i nodded my head and closed my locker, grabbing his hand and walking towards our normal table.

we arrived and i let go of his hand, going over to them and embracing them in hugs.

'hi babies!' i said as i hugged zay tight.

'hey sunshine', farkle said as i hugged him next. he wrapped his arms around and held me tight, not wanting to let go. i sensed the tightness and freed myself from his grip and saw a large smirk on his face.

i smacked his arm and went to hug lucas. 'you saved the best for last, hmm?' he asked as i hugged him tight.

i laughed and let him go, sitting down next to ricky.

'so you decided on pizza love?' zay asked.

i nodded my head and ricky and zay stood up at the same time.

'we'll go get some pizza then. we'll be back ok?' zay said.

'see you in a few baby,' he said as he leaned down and kissed my forehead, making my heart race.

they walked off to the front gates and left, leaving lucas, farkle and i at the table.

'isn't he absolutely amazing?' i ask, placing my hand under my chin. lucas and farkle both pretend to gag, rolling their eyes.

'he's absolutely perfect'. lucas said, mocking me.

'like an angel sent from above', farkle answers back, a smirk on his face.

'you guys are just jealous-,' i say grabbing my water bottle from my bag and taking a drink, 'jealous that i'm not single anymore.' i tease.

farkle laughs out loud and rolls his eyes again. 'you keep telling yourself that sunshine.'

lucas looks over to me and winks. 'you're right may, i am jealous. that should be me, holding your hand, that should be me, making you laugh', he sings along to justin biebers song and pretended to cry in his hands.

'i hate you guys', i say for billionth time but never truly meaning it.

'you love us-' farkle says. he takes in a deep breathe and his tone becomes serious. he opens his mouth again, 'and you love him. tell him'. he says suddenly, making me choke on air.

me? love ricky? i couldn't, could i?

lucas leaned over and placed the back of his  hand on farkles forehead, checking his temperature. 'bro, are you ok? you seem to be a bit delusional.' he says, making me giggle.

he moved lucas' hand away from his head and shrugs his shoulders. 'i know what love looks like may... i can see it in his eyes.' he says, looking into my own, a slight smile on his face.

i smile back at him and look over to lucas who was staring at farkle staring at me. i broke the stare and looked away, focusing my sight on a small plant in a pot.

so many questions were running through my mind. did ricky love me? was he actually falling for me? was i falling for ricky? could i be falling in love with him? with his plump lips and soft hands?

was i falling in love with the way he would look at me when we would sleep on my roof? the way his eyes would light up every time i looked over?

every time i looked at him or even thought of him, my heart couldn't help but skip a beat and my lips couldn't help but turn into a large smile.

he treated me like a princess, rubbing my stomach when i had cramps, cuddling with me when i was sick, not caring that i could be contagious.

'what if i am falling in love with him?' i ask them, a scared tone in my voice as i broke the silence.

lucas looked at me and i could've sworn i saw a flash of pain his eyes, the 'pain' was quickly transformed into a slight smile again, grabbing my hand from the table and rubbing it like he always did when he comforted me.

'baby.' he said smiling at me, looking at me with loving eyes.

farkle then looked over and bit the inside of his cheek, smiling. 'we're happy for you love,' he said, carefully moving lucas' hand away from mine.

i furrowed my brows, confused at his motion and looked over at lucas who was rubbing his eye.

'lucas, what's wro-' before i could finish my sentence, an arm went around my neck and lips were suddenly on my cheek.

'princess,' ricky says as i smile at him, 'did you miss me, love?' he asked.

'not as much as she missed me,' zay says, placing the pizza in front of us and passing out plates.

we all chuckle and i look over at lucas who's expression was back to normal, as if he hadn't just been teary-eyed. we locked eyes for a quick second and i looked away, placing my gaze on ricky who was grabbing me a slice of pizza.

only one thing was going through mind:

what the hell was going on?


holy cow wowza what have i done. how am i gonna dig myself out of this hole now hmm?

oh 🐳.

thanks for reading my lovelies. i hope you enjoy your day/night! love you guys <<3

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