Chapter 3

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I had received an email from a good company actually one of the best companies in the U.S.A telling me that I should come in for an interview and I was speechless maybe there is a God.

After showering I made a mental note to shop for groceries because there's nothing in the refrigerator.

I slipped on a black pencil skirt that stops right above my knee with a baby pink floral blouse with a white blazer and black wedges that would do wonders for my height. I decided to not go all out with my makeup and finished it off with a bleached matte lipstick that's almost the same colour as my lips. And as for my hair I styled it in a neat(as neat as it could ever be) pony tail with only a few loose strands of hair sticking out but non the less it still looks good.

After approving my appearance I decided to head out after grabbing my bag and phone.

As soon as I got to the bus stop I hopped in to the first taxi I saw.

..."Where to princess?..." the driver asked.

..."Ashworth Enterprises please.."

..."Are you sure princess..." he asked sounding a bit concerned.

..."Yes I am.."I snapped... "And stop calling me princess.."

..."Whoa... am sorry prin-um.. miss but I just wanted to let you know that those people are not people you'd like to fool around with..especially there boss..."

...."Well I can take care of myself thanks for your will you please do your job your going to make me late ..."


This is it my big break.

Don't screw up now Callie.

I sucked in the fresh air as the big bold letters 'Ashworth Enterprises'engraved on the building glared at me. The building was so tall it almost touched the clouds with tinted glass that were clear enough for you to see your reflection but no detail of what's on the inside.

I made my way to the glass door and pulled it forward stepping in the first thing that caught my eye was the interior of the room. The room was colored in cloud like white with marble floors,it reminds me of my old work place only this was more classy and more spacious with black leather chairs placed on either side of the room while a big half moon shaped polished to perfection yellow-brownish oak desk sat on the middle of the wall where the receptionist was furiously typing away like there was no tomorrow.

..."Um Hello My name is Callie Summers and I'm here for an interview.." I smiled warmly.

She looked at me as if I was ugliest thing she's ever laid eyes on..yes you heard right.

I don't know what her problem was but she doesn't want to get me started.


That's all what's wrong with this bimbo.

I raised a brow before she plastered a obviously fake smile on her face.

..." I'm Stacey Pringle.." she extended her hand.

Pringle...hmm more like prick.

I gripped her hand firmly squeezing it and I knew it was killing her to let go. Ha that's what you get.

..."Nice to meet you miss Prick... "

.."It's Pringle.." she said recoiling her hand out of mine.

..." Am sorry Prick right my mistake..." I said smiling irritating her.

..."Floor 105 first door on the left ..." she said glaring at me as I smiled sweetly at her.

That was something. The staff here is so welcoming don't you think?

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