Chapter 23

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..."Oh my God you straighten your hair I love it..." I gushed engulfing her into a big hug.

I snook out while Damon was asleep and borrowed his car(am sure he won't mind) which was a sleek black viper and am not into cars but that car so freaking sexy,to meet up with Tru because I miss her so much. I can't believe she came back,we decided to meet up at Starbucks.

 I can't believe she came back,we decided to meet up at Starbucks

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..." So have... -wait oh my God! bissh what the hell is that on your finger..." she exclaims grabbing my hand eyeing the ring on my finger with wide eyes and her mouth open catching flies.


What am I going to tell her now? screwed.

...." Err... Um I found it?... "
Really Callie,like seriously that was the best you could come up with?.

..." Really Callie? like seriously though was that the best you could come up with?..." she frowned,her brows knitted together with her lower lip sticking out.

..." My thoughts exactly.." I replied shaking my head.

..." Can I take your orders..." the waitress interrupted us.

..." No..." Tru replied bluntly still glaring at me.

She scoffed before storming off muttering something about disgusting customers.

..." Did you do something different, your skin is like literally glowing..." I said trying to change the topic.

..." Tell Now!..." she growled dangerously low squeezing the life out of my hand.

..."Fine..." I rolled my eyes letting out a sigh of defeat.

I told her everything and when I say everything I mean everything  I didn't leave out one single detail even though Damon specifically told me that can't tell anyone about our little arrangement...but I know that Tru won't say anything to anyone.

..." So basically what you're telling me is that he forced you to be his fake fiance because of his father and you had to sign a legal contract and move in with him..." she said in disbelief her eyes popping out of there sockets.

..." Ok could you please repeat that in my good ear..."

..."Tru am serious..."

..." Ok I think I need a gun..." she carries on ignoring me.

..." It's not that bad..."

..."Since when did you start defending him?..." she asked staring at me like I've just grown a second head.

...." Wait oh my God you like this is deeper you, you love him..." she said like she just discovered the cure for cancer.

...."What! are you crazy?..." I asked looking the other way not making eye contact with her.

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