Chapter 35

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I walked over to his desk clearing my throat. The little shit didn't even spear me a single glance, he just continued to type away on his laptop pretending like I don't exist.

Am ok,am fine I'm not going to loose it.

...." Listen up you little fucker...." I slammed down his laptop in front of his face....yep I lost it.

I slammed both hands down on his desk glaring down at him.

...." I know you didn't just ignore me after you disappeared for like 3 days without even saying a single word to me about your you know how worried I was for fucking who the hell do you think you are?...." I said all in one breath,fuming.

He slowly rose to his feet now glaring down at me,a storm brewing in his sea colored blue eyes that now looks a shade darker...shit! I forgot how tall he was. Picture this: me a 5.3 him a doesn't get any worse than that. I looked up at him gulping.

Despite being a little frightened of what he might do I stood my ground because it would go against everything I stand for if I just run away like a scared little  damsel in distress...pff! as if,just thinking about it makes me want to hurl.

Before I knew what was happening he was right in front of me. I automatically stepped back until my butt hit his desk. I panicked looking for a way to escape when he caged me in putting his hands on either sides of the desk. I gasped when he suddenly pushes me so that I was now sitting on his desk and wasting no time he slipped himself in between my legs.
My whole body felt like it was on fire as I starred up at him with wide eyes when he evily smirked down at I'm sure he's on crack.

...." Damon I'm not in the mood for your stupid little games and if you think this is going to make me forget that shitty stunt you pulled you're dead wrong...." I angrily told him.

...." And here I thought you didn't care about me....." he huskily replies,his hot breath caressing my skin.

...." What! I don't care about you...I just,I-I...."

...."You what? kitten I would really like to know...."

...." Nothing! now move...." I pushed against his chest. I gasped when he suddenly grabbed onto my thighs pulling me towards him in a swift motion,our foreheads nearly touching.

...." Look me in the eyes and tell me you don't think about me like I think about you,tell me you don't want to feel me inside of you..." he inhales deeply taking in my scent. A delicious shiver ran down my spine making my lower region clench...." Do you have any idea how much it kills me to know that I can't have you and fuck! I want you so badly...." he drawls his words looking straight into my eyes,his face an impassive mask as always not showing any emotion but his eyes were bursting with so much emotions that I myself couldn't fathom. It left me speechless to know that I make him feel this way.

...." I...I...." I trail off looking for the right words to say.

...." Damon I can't do this...." I said turning my head away not wanting to see his face. I don't know why but it felt so wrong rejecting him but I can't be  with someone like him...he ruined so many lives just to get what he wanted and if I fall for him I'd just be as bad as him.

...." Why kitten?...." he whispers but I didn't miss the disappointment in his voice.

Something tugged at my heart. I've never seen him like this and I was the one who said I don't care about him so why is it killing me to see him like this?.

...." Answer me kitten...." he dreads, pulling my face up with his forefinger forcing me to look up into his electrifying blue eyes.

...." Because of you Damon and everything you did to Sean...I mean he didn't do anything to deserve this and did you know that he lies awake at night thinking about me and his family's well being because of you....and now he looks like crap because of you. And let's not forget that you forced me to get married to you and for what reason?...oh wait I still don't know and you expect me to feel something for you...." I told him glaring at him.

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