Chapter 27

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The weeks flew by faster than I could say I hate my life. I had to spend most of my time locked up in this house because I had nothing better to do....Tru kept blowing me off telling me that I should spend more quality time with my 'fiance'(yep bissh still pissed at me for actually going through with this so called engagement)....,It wasn't all that bad though I got to know and spend more time with Mary and Domonic(yep I thought them staying here was only a one day thing but it turns out they're going to be here until the wedding actually takes place) ...yea I know fun.

It's not that I have a problem with them staying here because they are never around...the problem is I really don't like the way how Katherine  looks at me. She keeps on giving me these nasty looks and when I say nasty I mean nastyyyy looks as if she wants to claw out my eye balls with her bare hands and I don't know what for but I have this weird feeling that I'm about to find out.

Ever since that night Damon has been acting really strange....and even though he was drunk meaning he should not remember anything that happened that night....but I get this weird feeling that he remembers every single thing.

One morning I woke up and my phone was lying next to me.... it was like it wasn't even broken in the first place,it looked just like a brand new phone and all my messages and contacts were still intact but the weirdest thing was how Damon's been acting...he's like a complete different person..., He even smiles at me sometimes (I was a little shocked too) but here's the even stranger part he holds my hand,heck! he even kisses me me on the cheek sometimes and he won't stop staring at me which makes me feel a little uncomfortable under his gaze and the way how he looks at's as if he's in lo-ehem!!!..sorry something caught in my throat and that would just be insane....but am not taking any chances because he has more mood swings than a pregnant woman.

It was getting dark and since everyone had gone out I was the only one left in the house with Damon(the dog). I was getting a little worried about him thinking he had ran away because I haven't seen him in the past few weeks until I found him in the bathroom nibbling on Damon's underwear...God knows how he survived without food for almost four weeks.

I gasped and then instantly burst out into fits of laughter.
I quickly fished out my phone out of my pocket.

..."Say cheese!..." I exclaimed grinning like a loon as he continues to rip the material into smaller pieces.

..."Shit!!.." I shout running my fingers through my hair after realising that I accidentally sent the picture to someone instead of  saving it.

My phone immediately vibrated in my hands telling me that I have received a message.

Damon: That better not be mine.

Shit...dumb phone had to send it to him. Out of all the persons in my contacts.

Callie: Am pretty sure I don't wear yes it's yours.
I replied just to piss him off.

Damon: Do you think this is funny?.

Callie: No. I think it's hilarious 😂.

I know I shouldn't piss him off or anything like that because of his temper but it was just so funny and I had nothing better to do.

I quickly picked up the chubby little dog before making my way over to the bed plopping down unto the soft cloud like bed.

Damon: Continue laughing cause when I get home your ass is mine ;-).

A chill ran down my spine causing me to shiver a little. I can't believe I was actually turned on by him. Agggh!! ...what's happening to you Callie. I decided to play along. I placed the dog down on the floor before turning over unto my stomach putting a pillow underneath my elbows for support while bitting down on my bottom lip as I continued to type.

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