Chapter 31

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Life is a test, life is a game and love is the prize, life is a journey to love, happiness and the list goes on and on, but the truth is no one really knows what life is until you find yourself in a deep whole trying to find your way out hoping that everything will be okay no matter what hard choices you make or the shitty decisions you take that will eventually screw your life up or worst screw up the lives of the people you love and care about.

If someone had told me that I would have been forced to become one of the most arrogant, selfish, self-centered, prick, moody,dickheaded, asshole, screwed up richest Billionaire's in the U. S of A fake fiancé, for what reason I don't know exactly I would have laughed until I peed my pants. Life is full of surprises especially when you feel like you're starting to head in the right direction.

And now here I am waiting for my best friend to go shopping for a dress for my so called 'engagement party' which am pretty sure will be filled with hundreds of rich,bitchy,stuck up people and let's not forget the press(I hate taking pictures especially when people do it without my permission).

I paced the room as I impatiently wait for Tru. She was suppose to pick me up like 10 minutes ago,but wait till I get my hands on her.

I gave up and decided to call her again.

...." Tru where the hell are you?!...." I barked into the phone.

...." Relax am coming, am coming.... " she replied calmly.

...." Can you feel that?...." I asked.

...." What?...." she replied. I could hear cars honking in the back ground. She must be on a busy street but she told me she was not too far away from Damon's house ages ago.

...." It's me strangling you through the phone.... " I angrily state.

...." Ok Grandma you don't have to be so impatient, you know patients is a vir-...."I hung up rolling my eyes .I didn't want to hear the ' patience is a virtue' line, she sounded too much like my father.

5 minutes later the door bell rings.

Thank God.

I lazily hobbled to my feet off of the couch I was sitting on walking half running to the door.

I swung the door open about to exit the house when she stops me.

...." Callie wait, I need to use your bathroom.... " I eyed her suspiciously before she pulled out a small white box. I nearly choked on my own saliva. I softly slapped my chest trying to help my self.

...." Oh my God Tru! are you pregnant?.... " I asked utterly shocked...,don't get me wrong I would normally be happy for someone if they're pregnant but the look on Tru's face said otherwise and the fact that she told me that she wants to make something out of her self before she even thinks about getting pregnant.

...." That's what we're about to find out...." she said her voice cracking at the end. I nod wordlessly showing her to the downstairs bathroom. She slips inside as soon as she got to the bathroom with me pacing outside the snow white door fearing the worst for her. Shit! this is taking too long.

...."Are you done yet...,I mean how long does it take to pee on a stick?...." I shout on the other side of the bathroom.

...." Wow Cal just wow real supportive....and by the way you know I have a shy bladder so stop making noises...." she replied. I could almost see her rolling her eyes.

...." Yeah well if you had a shy vagina we wouldn't be in this mess...." I muttered to myself.

...." What was that?...."she asks sounding a little confused.

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