Chapter 28

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I don't know what happen but my brain literally shut down and my body was now in self-defense mode.

I started kicking and punching mercilessly....hey Jackie Chan ain't got nothing on me.

..." Take that and that you creep..."  I let out in between punches (thanks to watching a lot of karate movies).
I drew back my foot and gave the bastard a solid kick to the crotch ignoring his cries for mercy.

I was so busy beating the crop out of this guy I didn't even realize when the lights came back on.

He fell to the floor with a loud thud face first with his back facing me holding on to his crotch.

And I thought I was weak.

I don't know why but his back side looks oddly familiar....wait too familiar.

...."Callieeeeee!!!.... " he groaned trying to turn over unto his back.

Oh shit....oh my God.....oh fuck.

It can't be. I quickly rushed to his side turning him over in a swift motion pulling him unto my lap slipping one hand under his neck while I try to hold his head in place with the other.

He was ok besides the finger nail scraches on his left arm.

..."Oh my God Damon are you ok?!... "

He glared at me with a deep crease set in between his brows,his lips set in a thin line as the iciness of his electric blue eyes intensified.

..." You just had to kick me in the balls didn't you..." he seethed.

...." Am sorry I thought you were some..... You know what let me get the first aid kit.... "

After helping him to the bed I went straight for the first aid kit but when I came back he was gone. I was about to look for him when I heard water coming from the bathroom.

He must be taking a shower? .

Am sure he will understand once I explain everything.

I slowly walk up to the bathroom door.


..."Damon? ..." I called after him just to make sure he's ok.

I was about to knock again when the door flew open revealing a shirtless Damon. His raven black hair that was now slicked back glistened under the light. I gulped as my eyes drank in the sight in front of me. Small water droplets trickled down his I stood there unable to move. His body made him look like a greek God with his broad ,firm chest,the hills and valleys his carved to perfection muscles made and his so lickable 8 packs were so enticing and the only thing he was wearing was a grey cotton sweat pants that was just hanging on to his hips...and God his skin was so smooth I had to force myself to not touch it.

Oh my God whats happening to me Geez get yourself together.....but he looks so good... It's a crime to look that good.

My eyes slowly traveled up back to his. He was just there looking at me with this intense I couldn't describe but it was enough to freeze me on the spot. His soul piercing blue eyes dug into mine as he took a step forward and with every move he made I took a step back fearing the worst all the while not one of us breaking eye contact.

My back suddenly came in contact with the wall.... Oh fawk am a goner.

His hands shot up so fast I nearly missed it with his palms meeting the wall caging me in and instinctively my hands quickly made their way to his bare chest as my breathing along with my heart picked up speed with my chest moving up and down in a fast motion anticipating the worst.

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