Chapter 34

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Callie's  P.O.V

As soon as he was out the door I helplessly fall back on the couch still suffering from the aftershock of his words and touches.

I had promised myself that I will never get so weak whenever he gets so close to me again and the minute his lips touched mine I just wanted to rip the clothes off of him.

God!...Callie what's wrong with you. Now I have to suffer the consequences and work alongside with him. Although I do miss my job,but not so much to go back and work for him.

I lazily got up off of the couch now aware of the unfamiliar  room I was in. I hurriedly stumbling a little walked out of the room heading for the downstairs bathroom.

After using the bathroom I went back to the ballroom hoping to find Tru and that I would actually enjoy myself...I've had enough drama for one night.

The room was more packed with people than before I could hardly see a thing....the struggles of being short.

I turned around about to go to the other side of the room to look for Tru making my way through the sea of people when I spotted Damon talking to some blonde who's dressed in a midnight blue backless dress.

I was about to walk away when something in my head just clicked.

Hold up!.....wait a minute isn't that the bitch that was talking about my breast and ass are fake at the charity event I attended with Sean. I wonder what they could be talking about?....I don't care anyways.

Lie. Lie. Lie. My subconscious taunts me.

Shut up brain!.

She touched his bicep as they laughed together....I bet she did that so that she could just grope his big muscles. I rolled my eyes as she whispered something into his ear that made him laugh even more.

The little man slutt...he was just kissing me and telling me that I'm his and now here he is getting all cozy with that flat ass bitch.

Pff! I don't really care anyways.

I grabbed the champagne off of the tray the waiter was carrying a little too aggressive,earning weird looks from people I was standing next to. I don't even know why I'm getting all worked up over something that means nothing to me.

I turned my back focusing my attention on the couples on the dance floor...they looked so happy and in love something I'll never have. I sighed taking a sip of my drink balling my free hand into a fist....shit! why does this bother me so much.

...." So you just going to stand here and let that flat ass bitch steal your man...."

...." He's not my--

I cut myself off turning around to see Tru.

...." Where have you been!?...." I asks.

...." Oh no you don't,your not changing the subject...." she raised a challenging brow smacking her lips together.

...." Tru I really don't care so just leave it alone...." I replied calmly.

...." Like hell you don't,you gonna get your fat ass over their and show that bitch who she dealing with or I'm going to do it if you don't...." she states glancing at Damon.

...." Tru I'm not going over there I'll look stupid and again I don't care...." I rolled my eyes...been doing a lot of that lately.

...." Do I have to do everything around here...,improvise girl...."

...." What?...."

...." And here's our man...."she grins looking straight ahead.

I looked up to see...oh God..Dante walking towards me with this look on his face like he wanted to eat me or something.

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