Chapter 19

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*Damon's POV*

..."Fuck..." I groaned. My head felt like it was having it's own circus up there...but every God damn time I closed my eyes I see her soul piercing eyes staring back at me.

I continued to type up some paper work on my laptop trying to forget about her and force my self to continue even though my head is killing me.

As always I fail miserably. I rubbed my temple trying to lessen the pain.

I choose her because I know she would be perfect for the job. She hates my guts but I don't give a fuck because I don't want her to like or even love me because I don't believe in is like a dinosaur it doesn't exist anymore....but I had to force her even though she didn't want to but I always get what I want.

My father owns half of my company. We worked together even though I despise him but you know what they say keep your friends close but your enemies closer. He's the reason why my mother died and the only way he would sign over the other half of the company to me was if I joined his so called 'Mafia' or settle down and get married. He knows I would never get mixed up with those kind of people I got enough shit on my plate and he knows for a fact that I will never settle down because I don't believe in love or marriage....that's why the pussy gave me the two things I hate most to choose from but he has something else coming if he thinks am giving up that company is worth billions so I can't let all my hard work go down the drain.

But the thing is I still can't get her face out of my fucking head....maybe because I haven't fucked her yet. It kills me to see her walking around like she owns the place with her fat ass in my face knowing I can't rip her clothes off of her, any other woman would have thrown them selves at me already and I wouldn't have to lift a finger...and that mouth of hers just makes me want put her over my lap and spank her ass until it's red. I hate it when she disobeys me.

I reluctantly picked up my phone to phone my driver to come pick me up...maybe if I take some medicine and rest my head will get better.


As soon as I opened the door she engulfs in big hug before pecking me on the cheek.

What the fuck?

I stared at down at her in bewilderment.

Maybe its the head ache.

..."You're home..." she gushes snuggling into my chest. She felt so warm and cozy like a big teddy bear. I was about to hug her back when I stopped myself.

..." Kitten are feeling ok?..."  I asked a little concerned...maybe she hit her head. I slightly pushed her back looking into her eyes.

..." Oh my God you're burning up..." she said with a concerned look on her face.

Wait what she actually cares about me? Something's definitely  up.

..." Are you sure you're ok?..." I asked again.

She grabbed my hand pulling me towards the couch. She pulls off my jacket and leaned closer placing her one hand on the couch behind my head using the other hand to check my temperature. My breath hitched when I could see the top of her exposed cleavage because of the position she was in in front of me.

..." You're really burning up...I think I should call the doctor..."

..." No.." I shout pulling her arm which resulted in her falling on top of me. She now straddling me with her hands on my chest trying to steady her self.

I couldn't control myself, I started to get hard and I knew she felt it because of the surprised look on her face.

She immediately took her hands off of my chest and even though my head was killing me I still wanted to fuck her so bad. She was about to get up when I grabbed unto her waist rocking my hips rubbing my hardness against her ass.

..." And where do you think you're going?..." I whispered into her ear.

She gasped..." I...." she trailed off.

..." Let go of me you perv I can't believe you...even when you're sick you still can't keep it in your pants...." she pushed against my chest but I was too strong for her.

I smirked. ..." Oh come on kitten I know you want to..." I nozzled my nose into the crack of her neck sniffing her in her scent...she smelled like vanilla.

..." Fuck you..." she said.

She quickly got up glaring at me walking away when I finally decided to let her go. She returned in a couple of minutes with some medicine in her hand.

After drinking the medicine she helped me up to my room.

She was being really good to me and I don't know why? But am going to find out sooner or later.

...." Are you sure you're okay?..." I asked when she pulled my shoes off of my foot.

She chuckled softly and I had to force myself to not smile....I don't know what's wrong with me....may be it's the sickness.

..." I was thinking about everything and I decided it wouldn't be so bad to getting married to you..." she smiled. No maybe I hit my head.

I raised a brow at her before she placed the shoes on the floor.

..." Oh and I gave Ava a little time off to spend time with her family..."

She what!

..." You what!..." I seethed. Who is going to keep this house clean and most of all who's going to prepare my food just the way I wanted it and who the hell gave her permission to do that.

...." Don't worry I can take care of everything..."

Ok that's it I totally hit my head.

..." Good night... " she kissed my cheek without even hesitating like we're actually a couple.

I am not buying this act one bit.

She walked out closing the door behind her softly leaving me deep in thought.

I placed my head on the pillow hoping to fall asleep soon because my head felt like it got even worse.

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