Chapter 16

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..."get in the car now..." he commanded.

..." Go fuck your self..." I said before rapping my hands around my body to keep me warm as I walked a little faster.

He let out an animalistic growl before he pulled over and got out of the car while I walked even faster.

He grabbed my arm spinning me around in the blink of an eye with my face hitting his rock hard chest.

I gasp.. " What are you doing?..."
I looked up into his mesmerizing blue eyes that oddly looks a little less emotion less.

..." Get in the car..." he said staring down at me.

...."No leave me the hell alone..." I flashed him off walking away.

He picked me up in a swift motion like I weighed no less than a feather throwing me over his broad shoulder as I gasped out of shock beating and kicking the life out of him.

..."Put me down you... you...asshole ...." I struggled.

.."Rape,,help bloody murder..." my voice echoed through out the empty  streets.

I lifted my foot and gave him one hard kick in to the stomach.

..."Agggh fuck.." he groaned.

..."Serves you right dick face..."

Slap!! the sound of my poor butt as his ruff hand spanked my ass.

I gasped. No did he just?.Did he just spank me?

..."Did you just you just spank me?... " I said in disbelief.

..."Nice ass..." he replied and I could feel him smirking through his words.

I went full force on him kicking and punching until I got tired I bit down hard into his muscular back regretting my actions after realising that expensive suits don't really taste like food.

..."Agggh..." he groans cursing under his breath as he harshly slams me down on leather seat before rushing over to his side. The car immediately drives off.

..." Where the hell are you taking me?...stop the car now!!..." I practically screamed my face red with anger as he continues to ignore me.

..." If you don't let me out of this car now I swear to God that I am going open the car door and jump out..." I threatened.

He turned his head looking at me as his eyes harden with a raised brow as if daring me to open the door.

Haha he thinks am playing. I was about to open the door when he locks it from his side of the car. Agggh!!dum car.

..." Are you crazy!!..."he shouts glancing at me before turning back to the road.

..." literally just kidnapped me and your asking me if am just wow your sicker than I thought..."

This is how my face looks right now:(-_-)

..."I said where the fuck are you talking me you son of a bitch..." I seethed really pissed off.

...." What did you just call me?..." he asked his voice dangerously low his face filled pure anger.

..."What are you deaf now?..." I said clearly annoyed folding my arms over chest staring out of the window up at the beautiful silver like spectacles. Sometimes I wish I was a star. I would be different in my own unique way and I wouldn't have to live this shitty life...,I would be at peace with my self with no care in the world,that's why I love to stare at the stars.

...."I told you that that fucking mouth of yours is going to get you into trouble..." he harshly grabbed my chin forcing me to face him. I pulled my face out of his ruff cold hand turning my face the other way gazing at the stars.

He let out slow breaths as if he was trying to calm himself.

..."Why do you hate me so much kitten..." I was shocked that he was the one asking me this and he sounded so calm and sweet and so fucking sexy but am not going to let him get to me....he's so bipolar I never can understand him and how can he be asking me this like seriously he has given every living thing around him a reason to hate him.

So I ignored him.

..."Answer me!!..." he barks painfully gripping my arm forcing me to face him.

I pushed away his arm. See what I mean bipolar.

...." Why do you even care?.."

He didn't bother to answer as we latched into an awkward silence with him bringing me to God knows where because am positively sure that I don't live that far..but I had no choice I was stuck with the prick.


We have been driving for hours or atleast it felt like hours. My eyes felt heavy as I tried to fight the sleep. I will not fall asleep with him here not knowing what he would or could do to me. I trust no one not even my own self.

I peeked at him through the corner of my eye. His smooth skin glistened under the moon light, his hair looks like he ran his fingers through it a million times, his clothes dishevelled.

He started to unbutton his tux. I on the other hand watched carefully as his fingers danced over his trousers until he reached to last button.

Oh God.

Even though I was freezing my tail off because of the dress I was wearing my body felt really warm as my heart foolishly carried on beating out of my chest,my forehead beaded with sweat as I try to slow down my heavy breathing when he started to unbutton his under shirt. I looked up to his face to see him staring blankly at the road.

..."Here..." came a cool voice.

I looked over to see him handing me his jacket. Why does he even care that I'm cold? he made it pretty clear that he doesn't and will never care about me. He is acting so calm and collected when he literally just kidnapped me and the worst part is there's no one I can call or talk to am all alone as always....lefted alone by the people who I care for the most.

..."Am fine..." I looked the other way rapping my warm hands around my body to keep me warm.

Before I could even protest against him he used his free hand to put the jacket over me all the while brushing his hand against my now burning skin aching for his touch and don't ask me why because I don't even know the reason myself.

My body welcomed the warmth of his clothes that's filled with his strong scent every where...he smells so God damn good agggh why does he have to smell like heaven when he's clearly the devil himself?

I didn't know when but I dozed off into slumber clutching his jacket tightly to my chest keeping my body warm.

Where am I?. I rubbed my sleep filled eyes and turned my head to the other side and what I saw next almost gave me a heart attack.

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