Chapter 7

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I gasped not only because I was afraid of what might happen next and the fact that he's my boss but also because of the awkward position that I am currently in.

Why do I always end up in situations like this?

His hands were firmly planted on my waist holding me up with my hands rapped around his neck.

His hand rested on the bare skin of my waist because of the kind of dress I am currently wearing which is Tru's fault. His touch sent shock waves through out my body which surprisingly felt breath hitched when I finally looked up into his electric blue eyes which still was lifeless causing my heart to beat even faster, my breathing not slowing down any time soon as he stared down into my big brown doe eyes.

He's such a hard man to read but staring into his soul piercing eyes  you could tell that he detached himself from this world a long time ago because of something that happened to him in the past...something that broke him and caused him to lash out by being cold to everyone around him because deep down he's hurting inside.

I can't believe I actually feel sorry for him but the thing is I know what it's like to feel be broken.

After what seemed like hours which was only well I don't know I was so lost in his eyes. He finally let me up.

..." What are you..."- he was cut off by Tru.

..." Am sorry sir she came here looking for me..." she said dragging me to the elevator.

I sent her a grateful smile and before he could reply we were already inside of the elevator pressing the close button as I look out of the now closing doors to find him already staring at me.


The car came to a sudden halt causing my head to hit the dash board.

..." Did you steal your license?.." I croaked while rubbing my now hurting head.

..." Yep.. " she merrily answers.

I don't know why I even asked.

We both exited the car and made our way to a huge grey,silver well I'm not quite sure building with the words 'Sexual Desires' written in bold at the top of the building. Well weird name to call a club and It gives off this weird vibe which makes me want to go back home but knowing Tru I know for a fact that that will never happen.

I turned to look at her and she seems to have a different opinion than mine because of that look she has in her eyes as her grin widens.

..." Come on we getting laid tonight..." she exclaimes while grabbing my hand literally dragging me into the club earning weird looks from people passing by.

As soon as we got inside we are consumed by alot of sweaty people grinding on each other in the dim lighting room as the deafening music tries to give me a headache not that I mind because I really love's something that sometimes help to calm my nerves as you already have guessed I'm a hot head I can't really control my temper which suits my flaming red hair...ruby red to be exact.

..."omg that's ma song.. " she gushes.

.." Wanna dance?..." she ask grinning like a loon.

I eyed the dance floor with distaste before shaking my head saying no.

.." Are you sure.." she shouts over the  defeanin music.

..." Yes now go have fun...oh and cutie at 12o'clock.." I shout back.

She turns around to see a man in a leather jacket that looks like he lifts weights for a living with shoulder length chocolate brown hair smirking at her. She sends me a knowing smile before walking over to him....they then disappeared into the sea of people leaving me alone.

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