Chapter 10

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..."No Tru I am not getting any lingerie..." I said for third time in row.

Now I understand what they mean by shop until you drop. She's been dragging me all over the place buying everything she thinks looks cute or sexy(she tried them all on and forced me to join her).

And now we are currently in 'Victoria Secret' where she is forcing me to try on a red lacey very revealing lingerie.

...."Fine be that way..." she grumbles.

I sighed knowing she'll some how hold this against me in the future..."Fine I'll try it on..." I rolled my eyes as she clapped her hands smiling like a two year old.

I grabbed it from her and marched over to the changing room. I eyed the thin material with distaste before
reluctantly peeling off my clothes replacing it with the lingerie...something I'll never wear in the future.

..." Are you done yet.." she bangs on the door.

..."Yes...but I am not coming out there..."

..."Why not... " she whines.


..." Because what?.." she presses.

..." Because I said because now get in here if you want to see cause am not coming out there..."

..." Fine.. " she swings open the door and as soon as she saw me she gasped.

..."Bissh if I wasn't straight I'd marry you.."

I laughed shaking my head.

..."Look if you don't believe me..." she spun me around so am now facing the mirror. I stared at myself in the mirror feeling a little exposed because too much skin was showing not that I have a problem with showing skin but you could almost see my ass through this thing.

..." Ok get out let me change..." I shoved her out closing the door as I hurriedly changed my clothes.

We then moved on to the bra and panties sections.

I was looking through all of the bra sizes and I couldn't seem to find my size.

..."Can I help you with anything miss?.." I turned around to see a brunet Who looks like she's in her mid thirties with a smile that reaches up to her eyes

..." Yes I can't seem to find my size... " I said pointing at the bras in my hand offering her a warm smile.

.." Oh I see the problem.." she glanced at my breast before ushering me off to anther section with bigger bras and panties.

Hey! my boobs are not that big they are generously sized...a gift from God.

Or a curse. My subconscious mocks me.

She showed me different colors and styles which lead to me getting six of them even though I don't need any new bras but they were just so colorful(I can't resist).

I quickly cashed all of them when Tru decides to show up cashing all of her items in the process.

.." Where to next?.."

..."Remember I still don't have a dress for that Charity event that I am supposed to be attending with Sean.."

...."Oh.." she faced palm her self.

..." I almost forgot.."


..." Your lucky all the food you eat goes straight to your ass and your tits or else you wouldn't be able to pull that look off.. " she said poking my stomach.

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