Chapter 30

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Hey guys am really sorry for the late update but my phone has been giving me a hard time:( and I'll try to update a little more early.....anyways I found a song called 'Ruin' by Shawn Mendes and it actually goes along with the book so I hope you like it...enjoy♥:-).

What kind of person forgets their own engagement party?.
I know he did this on purpose to just piss me off and it just makes me want to bash his head in....,how could he wait until the last minute to just dump everything on me.

..."What?!...seriously I know you did this on purpose Damon..." I seethed glaring at him, gripping the handle of the fork a little tighter.

..."I did?..." he asked raising a questioning brow with that damn stupid smirk on his devilishly handsome face with his hands behind his back making him look superior and powerful.

I couldn't hold it in any longer my frustration had reached it's boiling without any warning I threw the fork(which is extremely pointed) at him aiming for his face.

It was so close but he caught it at the last minute.

..."Shit!..." I cursed under my breath....I really wanted it to knock some as sense into him.

..." Oh you wanna play that game..." his intense blue eyes narrowed as his words sliced through the air making me shake a little(I said a little). He started in my direction gripping on to the fork like he was about to stab someone.

I gulped as my eyes desperately scanned the room. I couldn't even move,his eyes not once leaving mine...I felt like my butt was some how glued to the chair.

Wait... Why am I even getting scared I'm not afraid of him...I think.

My heart began to hammer against my chest, my breath hitched when he stopped right in front of me...his eyes staring right into my very soul. I quickly looked away because his eyes were too intimidating.... until I felt his thumb and index finger under my chin forcefully making me meet his bone chilling gaze.

..."Never look away from me again understood... " he said with both brows raised.

I rolled my eyes out of reflex.

He smirked...but this one looked a little scary.

..." You like to play games don't you...well let's play then..." he whispered dangerously low making my insides turn.

I wonder what crawled up his ass and died this morning.

He recoils his hand before walking away but before he was out of sight he stopped.

..." Be ready in 5minutes, I'll be waiting in the car..."


Do you hate your self?.My subconscious mocks me.

The words were out of my mouth before I was even able to shut my big mouth.

..."What. Did. You. Just. Say?..." he quickly spun around.

..." I said can't tell me what to do I'm an adult not your slave..." I clarified crossing my arms glaring at him...I was now standing.

Oh God you really don't like your self.

In the blink of an eye he was on me. He slammed my back up against the cold hard wall,his hot wall like body pressing up against mine as he glared down at me.

...."What. Did.I just say?...." He spoke in a serious tone as his eyes continues to freeze me to death while I try to look as serious as him...failing miserably.

Ruin Me ✔《COMPLETED》Where stories live. Discover now