Chapter 40

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...."Put this on...." Tru ordered in the drivers seat. Throwing some clothes in the backseat at Callie.

...." Why? I have to?...." Callie whines knowing Tru won't give up until she did.

...."I can't wear this!...." Callie complains eyeing the clothes Tru threw at her in discuss.

....."Girl don't make me come around there cause you know I will...." Tru threatens as Callie rolls her eyes reluctantly putting on the clothes Tru gave her in the backseat of the car and to her surprise it wasn't as hard as she thought it would be and since it was dark out she didn't feel uncomfortable.

...."Oh and we're going on a double date because my boyfriend is bringing his friend...."

...." What!....."  Callie screams as the car came to an abrupt stop in front of K.F.C ,causing her to hit her head on the car seat.

...."Did you steal your license?....." Callie asked rubbing her forhead.

...."Come on lets go and use the bathroom before they show up...." Tru says practically dragging Callie out of the car heading straight for the restroom.

When they got inside Tru did Callie's makeup and fixed her clothes so that she would look hot.

...."I don't think this is suitable for a double date...." Callie commented looking at her body in the bathroom mirror.

" Callie commented looking at her body in the bathroom mirror

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...."Oh shut up...." Tru said laughing...."Wait here  gonna change in the bathroom...."

After they were finished in the bathroom they decided to sit and wait on the guys when Callie's phone went off.


...."Where the fuck are you!....." Damon barks over the line pissed that she lefted without him and he didn't see her at home either.

....."Well fuck you too!...." Callie says hanging up in his ear.

How dare she hang up on him. Damon thought to himself raking his fingers through his hair for the hundredth time pacing the living room.

He grits his teeth breathing heavily getting angrier by the minute before he rips his shirt leaving him shirtless. He immediately turns his body to the wall before he started to punch the wall with his bare hands.

He had never met a woman that was so fucking stubborn in his entire life.

...."First she says she wants a relationship...." he growls as the sweat runs down his forehead.


...."And then she won't let me fucking touch her...."




....."And then she leaves the dam office without telling me shit making me look like an idiot waiting on her for hours....."

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