Chapter 22

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I slowly opened my eyes blinking a few times before I got use to the semi-dark room and then I realized I was in his room. The walls painted in a brownish greyish pictures on the walls... it's just blank,an empty space waiting to be filled with memories and come to think of it there are no pictures of him or his family around this house.

Everywhere else was colored in a snow flake like white color that makes you feel like you're in the snow on Christmas morning but his room was just dark and gives you this weird feeling and a mixture of emotions.

I was about to get out of the bed when the door to his bathroom burst open. I quickly laid back down pretending to be asleep.

He placed a soft kiss on my forehead brushing a loose strand out of my face.

..." I know you're awake..." he whispers into my ear.



..." But if you're family is coming to see us don't you think we should get to know each other better....they would think something's up..."

..." I already know what there is to know..." he said sipping his coffee...honestly I don't know how he drinks that every morning.

..." You don't know anything about me..." I smacked my lips together raising a brow at him.

He gave me a challenging stare before he spoke..."Your name is Callie Jane Summers, your 25 years old,you were born on the 28th of October, your favourite colour is green,your natural hair color is ruby red,you have a beauty spot right above your left eye brow,one on your collar bone and one right above your right breast, your eye color is naturally brown but when you look into the sun they look green..."- I stared at him surprised my mouth wide open as he continued not batting an eyelid.-..." Your right foot is bigger than the left foot so you have to wear a size 7 and a half instead of a 7,you don't have a favorite food..." he paused looking at me for a while as I stared at him a little creeped out.

..." And I can see why..." I blinked a little taken a back before realizing what he was implying.

..." Are saying that I'm fat ?..." I said in an threatening tone squinting my eyes.

...." Didn't have to..." he smirks.

..." I'll show you fat you asshole..."
Before he knew what was happening I pounced on him like a lion would it's prey.

He fell to the floor with a loud thud with me on top  straddling him. Right now I didn't care if strangulation was against the law. I kept hitting and punching him.

..." Don't you ever call a woman fat you asswipe..."

I was so caught up in beating the crap out of him I didn't notice when he grabbed onto my hands spinning us around so that he was on top of me. He pinned my hands down on the floor above my head with one hand. I struggle and struggled but I was no match for him.

...." Let go of me!!..." I demanded completely out of breath.

..." Look at weak...I could do anything I want to you and you wouldn't be able to stop me...."  he smirks running his finger on the exposed skin of my lower abdomen.

I gasped utterly disgusted by him.... " You are so sick you know that...I hate you...".

Something flashed across his face
....hurt yes it was definitely hurt but why would he be hurt?.

...." You don't mean that..." he whispered so low that I had to strain my ears to hear.

..." Yes I do..." I was now whispering too. I bit my lip as he stared into my eyes.

...." Is that how you really feel?...." he asked sounding a little hurt his voice a mere whisper with his hot breath hitting my face, his chest slowly rising and falling with his unsteady breathing.

I gulped....why does he even care how I feel about him?...and what puzzles me more is why did he sound so hurt when I said I hated him?.

...." I...I..." I trailed off looking for the right words to say but luckily his phone blasted to life.

I quickly got up off of the floor as soon as he walks out of the room with his phone glued to his ear.

He was back within minutes slamming his phone down unto the counter running his fingers threw his damp raven black hair with a frustrated sigh.

..." I take it that you didn't enjoy that phone call..." I stated raising both brows.

He gave me a look that could make a sinner change his ways.

..." My family will be here tomorrow instead of next week..." he said in a robotic way with no emotions attached.

..." What?..." I started to panic....they can't be coming tomorrow, what am I going to do? and I still don't know anything about him.

..." But I still don't know anything about you...and how do you know so much about me?..."

He gave me a 'are you kidding me I'm Damon Ashworth I get anything I want' look.

I rolled my eyes completely annoyed by his cockiness.

..." So aren't you going to tell me anything about your self..."

He sighed before speaking...." My name is Damon Elias Ashworth..."- I burst out laughing. And I thought my middle name was weird...but weirdly it suits him.

...." What's so funny?..." he asked completely annoyed.

..." Nothing continue..."  I lied.

..." I am 26 years old I was born on the 24th of December, I... "-

..."You were born on Christmas eve?..." I asked in disbelief interrupting him again.

He stared at me with a blank expression. I shrugged my shoulders as he continues.

..." My favourite colour is white..."

..." Really I thought It would be black or grey or something like that but why white?..."

..." If  I tell you will you shut up and listen for once..."

..." Yes..." I said grinning from ear to ear.

..." It's because white represents good, purity and simplicity standing out from all the other colors by being different and it was also my mother's favorite color..." he spoke all  the while not breaking eye contact. I could see the pain in his eyes when he mentioned his mother. I didn't dare ask what happened to his mother because I know how he is and I could tell that his mother was a really sensitive topic for him.

I listened to him go on about himself not once interrupting him as promised.

He had to leave because he had an important meeting and I was lefted alone again...I can't believe I forgot to tell him that I wanted to go out but luckily I stilled had Damon(the dog). I refused to give up Damon even though he was against having a ' flea infested mutt running around his house' as he nicely put it.

I was interrupted by my phone ringing. I carefully put Damon down on the floor before answering.

..."Hello? "

..."Am back bitches... "

I know that voice anywhere.

..." Tru?... "

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