Chapter 15

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"Ok pinky calm down they just want to take your picture it's not like they're going to kill you..."

..."How can I when they're so many of them out there. Why didn't you tell me that we would have to go through this?..."

I glanced out the window of the car where a sea of reporters stood,white light flashing here and there. We just arrived in front of the entrance of the building stuck in Sean's matte black limousine because I refuse to get out of the car.

Like heck I will!

I really don't like when people take my picture without my permission and ask me endless rhetorical really I don't know how celebrities do it...they're probably use to it.

..."If it helps I hold your hand..." he offered smiling showing off his deep dimples.

I gave him a look..."You're lucky you're hot..." I said as I placed my hand into his.

He slowly opened the door stepping out my hand in his as he helped me out of the car.

I squinted my eyes putting my free hand over my face to avoid temporary blindness as Sean pushed through the sea of people tugging on my hand pulling me through in the process.

..."Mr. Tarver over here over here..."

..." Who's your lady friend?.."

..."Is she your girlfriend?..."

..." Miss, miss can we get a comment..."

And the endless questioning went on and on as we pushed through the crowd of reporters with camera lights flashing every where.

..."Sorry about that..." Sean apologies with a sheepish grin scratching the back of his head once we had finally made it inside safe and sound.

..."It's ok.." I said furiously blinking trying to get the redness that I am now seeing due to the amount of light flashing in my face out of my eyes.

..."Shall we?..." he asked smiling brightly holding out his arm.

..."We shall..." I beamed up at him holding on to his arm.


I gaped in awe as soon as we entered the ball room. It was so beautiful and big scratch that huge. The first thing I noticed was the biggest gold chandelier I've ever seen in my life, the walls  in a goldish looking colour with navy blue tiles that almost look black due to the amount of light in the room, small and large table with yellowish goldish cloths placed over them scattered throughout the room leaving a enough space for everyone to fit on the dance floor.

..."I take it you like it..." he smirked.

I made a face ..."It aite.." I smacked my lips together as he chuckled.

The room was packed with people dressed up to fit the event and what I like to call bitchy rich people who think they are better than you.

He led me to one of the small tables where we sat talking until he offered to get us some drinks. He returned after a few minutes where we continued to talk.

..." Are you sure you're not related to Katelyn Tarver?.." I asked again.

..."Who?..." he looked at me with a playful smile.

..." You know that singer who use to play the role of Kendel's girlfriend in the tv series 'Big Time Rush'. I mean your last name is Tarver and you do have blonde hair..." I answered bringing the drink to my lips taking a sip of my champagne.

...."Hmm.." he strokes his nonexistent beard like he's deep in thought.

..."It could be possible but I don't think so no... " he ran his hand through his silky blond hair before picking up his glass taking a sip.

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