Chapter 32

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...."I fucking love you until it hurts...."

...."Pinky Look me in the eyes and tell me you don't love me...."

Sean's words kept taunting me....invading all my thoughts. No matter what I did my mind some how ran straight back to him...and the way he said those words,the way he looked at me like I was his just kills me to see him like that.

...."Aahhh!...." I screamed pulling on my hair,my eyes desperately scanning the room.

Am so confused I don't know what to do...right now I feel like shit....probably look like it too. It's been over two and a half hours since Tru dropped me off and the only thing I could think about was him.

He looked so stressed out,his skin even looked a little pale...and it's all because of me...I can't believe he's actually like this because of me.

I abruptly stood up off of the bed I was sitting on and started to pace the room.

I walked back and forth playing with my fingers,my shoes slapping against the tile making a tapping sound,trying to clear my head.

I can't do this anymore...I need to leave this place. I can't get married to Damon...I don't want to and this is just.... Fucked up!.

I started to get dizzy. The room started to get blurry as I stumbled almost falling on my face,my throat went dryer than the Sahara dessert as my heart hammered against my chest threatening to burst any second now. My breathing begun to speed up like I have just ran a marathon,my face felt so hot it was like I was being boiled alive. I started to cough uncontrollably as I fanned my face not knowing what to do with my tongue hanging out,my mouth wide open taking in as much air as I could.

What's happening to me!....I felt like I was loosing control over my own body as the cold beads of sweat ran down my face.

I quickly rushed to the bathroom gasping for air as I got into the bath,trying to turn on the shower.

As soon as I turned the tap all the water came shooting towards me. Without even thinking I hurriedly stumbling a little sat under the the shower pressing my knees to my chest with my hands wrapped around my body, resting my head against my knees. I heaved a sigh of relief as the cool water rushes over my body as my whole body slowly returns to normal and even though everything was ok now I didn't want to get up....It felt so good to actually feel something other than pity for my self.

I can't believe I just had a panic attack....this had never happened to me before,what's next?....gray hair. This is all because of him...that Damn bastard 'Damon Ashworth'...pff!...more like Damon Asswipe!.

I sat under the shower until I don't know how long but I didn't really care even though the water was cold, with my clothes clinging onto my body like another skin. I was drenched with water from head to I really look like shit.

...."Oh...Facoula!(Fuck) ...Callie!...." I heard his voice through the loud beating sound of the water beating against my skin,laced with a thick Italian accent....I didn't know he spoke Italian. I didn't dare look up hoping he would just be nice for once and go away.

But no.

Before I knew what was happening I felt his big arms around my body picking me up bridal style as my body welcomed the new found warmth. I didn't realize how cold it was until I came out from under the water. My body started to tremble uncontrollably as I held unto him wanting to get warm.

I begun to cough as his rushed out of the bathroom with me in his arms. As soon as we made it to the room he wrapped me in a warm blanket all the while not letting go of me instead he was cradling me like a new born baby on the bed where he was sitting.

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