Chapter 33

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Damon's P.O.V

I was busily welcoming guests,waiting for her....I wonder what she could be doing up there that's keeping her so long.

I was about to go up stairs to see what the hell was taking her so long when I stopped myself....fuck! sometimes I have to remind myself that she's not my actual fiancé and this is just a business other words it's fake,no strings attached. But sometimes I just can't help myself and when she looks at me like..... for God's sake! Damon get yourself together you sound like a pussy.

I shook my head clearing all thoughts of her before stepping inside of the ballroom, grabbing a glass of champagne off of the tray the waiter was carrying as the soft jazz music filled my ears.

I dug my hand into my pocket taking a swig of my drink.....I need something stronger than this.

I strode over towards the bar where I leaned against the counter.

...." Give me something strong...." I order the bartender.

I watched as everyone engaged themselves in conversations,laughing and drinking,my eyes unconsciously drifted to the entrance of the room when....WHAT THE FUCK!.

I nearly choked on my drink. Anger flared up inside of me as I clenched my fist,grinding my teeth glaring towards her.

What the fuck is she wearing, I swear this woman is testing my dam patience....I bet she did this to piss me off,but wait till I get my hands on her. She walks in talking to her friend as every man's eyes turned towards her as she carries on unaware of the hungry eyes watching her every move.

I wanted to beat every last one of them until they fucking bleed for looking at her like that.

I downed every last bit of my drink in one go about to walk over to her when one of my main associates stopped me in my tracks to talk about business even though it's my dam engagement party...I mean I'd do the same thing but still....

By the time I looked up again she was gone.

Shit!....I need another calm down myself.

...." So I was thinking that if we act now they will surely not turn down our offer in selling us their company...." he carries on as my eyes franticly ran over the room looking for her not paying attention to one word he's saying.

My eyes bulged out of their sockets when I saw her talking to that dick: my cousin Dante.

Who the hell invited him?....scratch that I already dear old prick of a father.

My grip on the champagne glass tightened when he suddenly pulls her into a hug whispering something into her ear. He then proceeded to lead her to a near by table.

As if she felt my eyes upon her she slightly turns her head around,our eyes met for a brief moment before she swiftly turns around with a terrified expression displayed on her beautiful face gulping...wait a minute did she just gulp?....ah so she's afraid of me....good because I won't spare her.

...."Mr. Ashworth?....are you paying attention?...." he snaps his fingers in front of my eyes desperately trying to get my attention.

...." Hold this...." I handed him the glass before storming off leaving him in shock.

He was about to pull out a chair for her when I pulled her back a little to hard causing her to stumble a bit as I possessively wrapped my arm around her waist pulling her into my side, glaring at him.

I felt her eyes on me as I continue d to glare at him wishing I had laser eyes.....wait what?....more like wishing we were the only ones in the room so I could beat him to death.

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