Chapter 6

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I woke up and went over my usual morning routine and as soon as I was ready the door bell rang.

..." Morning..." I chirped beaming at her.

..." What no good morning?.." she snorted barging in.

She marched over to my bedroom and swung open the door.

..." Tru what are you doing?.."

I asked as she trashed my closet.



.."Tru.." I shouted.

..."Yuh cah wait.."(can't you wait?) she spoke in her Jamaican language that she knows I don't understand.

..." What?.."

..."Bissh just watch, you'll thank me later..." she said looking over her shoulder at me grinning like a loon.

I was really hoping she would forget about that..oh well. I sighed pinching the bridge of my nose as she throws all the dresses over her shoulder causing one to hit me in my face. I finally sat down on the bed feeling a little hungry and sleepy. I yawned.

..." No.."

..."Not short enough..."

..." Arrrgg.."

..." Eww.. "

After what seemed like forever she finally found what she was looking for.

..."Yes!..." she shouted holding up a white short round neck dress that's laced up at the side

..."No it's too tight and in case you didn't notice my butts the size of a air balloon.."

..." Oh hush up most women would kill to have your body you should thank God that you don't look like a piece of stick, like seriously though I wish I had your body..." I giggle.

..." Tru?.. "

.." Hmm?.."

..." You know you're the best right?.."

.."Dahh... " she laughed.

After gathering all my stuff for tonight we then headed to work.


I was surprised to find that Mr. Ashworth hasn't come in to work yet.

I placed his coffee down on the desk tempted to switch it with mine but remembered that he already deducted 60% away from my salary.

I stood there staring out the window where I could see the sun peaking out through the clouds as ant looking people and cars go about their normal lives(this building is really tall so that's what they look like from up here).

I was tempted to sit in his chair.

Don't do it.

Oh what the heck he's not here anyways he won't find out besides it's just a chair.

I slowly crawled around the glass desk ,pushed out the big black leather chair and slowly but surely placed my butt on his chair.

It was so soft and comfortable much, much more comfortable than the chair in my office. I span around in the chair twice feeling a bliss as my body welcomed it's comfort.

..." So this is what it feels like.." I fake glared at thin air pretending to be the boss of everything.

..."Do your work Now!.." I fake spat laughing.

Images of Mr. Ashworth doing all my work while I sit around his desk not doing anything flashed in front of my eyes as I laughed at the funny thought.

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