Chapter 36

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I tossed and turned in the bed,stretching my hand out to the other side of the bed hoping he would be there but disappointed to only feel the air rushing through my fingers.

I sighed lazily getting up as I yawned rubbing my eyes. I was confused when I found a note in the empty spot where he should have been.

It reads:

You don't have to come in today,you're probably tired from all the fun we had last night, you should rest and build up your strength for tonight.

P.S....please be advised that this is coming out of your pay.

I rolled my eyes at the last part ....."How romantic....prick...." I grumbled hopping off of the bed.

...." Wait a minute what does he mean by tonight?....." I bit my lip as the events of last night came rushing back to me. My lower region automatically clenches.

I shook my head clearing all thoughts of him before going into the bathroom to take a shower. I slipped on some comfortable clothes as soon as I was finished taking a shower.

I was literally bored and Tru was at work...probably still pissed off I didn't show up,so I had no one to go out with and it would just feel weird to go out by myself...yeah I know am weird. Now I'm stuck in the house with the dog.

I started to take some cute selfies on my snap. I giggled as I sent all of them to Damon.

My phone pinged telling me I had received a message.

Damon: Let me guess you're bored right.

Callie: How did you know 🙃

Damon:😒😑 stop distracting me I'm working.

Callie: Fine prick.

I took a picture of me sitting on the sink in the bathroom in the bathroom mirror showing off my big butt and some of my cleavage while making a sexy face biting my lip and sent it to him.

He instantly replies to my message.

Damon: Fuck!...,kitten don't tempt me. If you don't stop I swear I'm going to come home now.

Callie: Ok bye.

I replied smirking to myself knowing he's going to text back any second now. phone pinged right on time.

Damon: wait!.

Callie: What!.., stop distracting me I'm working 😒😑.

Damon: Send me a picture of you in your bra....and don't ask why just do it. You caused this.

Oh is that so. I hopped up stairs and took of my bra,placed it on the bed, putting one of my old pictures inside of it and quickly took a picture sending it to his phone.

Let's see how he reacts to that.

Damon: haha very funny...,when I get home tonight your fat ass is mine.

Callie: Haha...not gonna happen.

Damon: Oh you wanna play that game do you...,I assure you that you won't win because I'm taller than you.

Callie: Fuck off🖕.

Damon: Oh so you want me to finger you again or is that suppose to be my dick because it's much bigger than that.

Callie: Ugh!...goodbye I going to sleep.

I lied.

Damon: Ok don't dream about me too much.

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