Chapter 4

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🎶 Some girls feel best in their tiny dresses, some girls nothing but sweatpants looking like a princess,some girls kiss new lips every single night they staying out late cause they just celebrating life 🎶

My phone blasted out 'Most Girls by Hailee Steinfield' waking me up exactly 5:40am(I don't get up at 6 because I usually take an hour or so to get ready) and yes practically anything can wake me up I am not a heavy sleeper.

I wobbled out of bed like I just learnt how to walk.

I looked at myself in the bath room mirror. I looked like a zombie with horrible bed hair and with lines in my face from staying one place too long on my pillow.

After brushing my teeth I stripped down and stepped onto the cold tiles under the shower quickly turning on the water. The warmth took over my body as I enjoyed the feeling.

After showering I made breakfast which was followed by me brushing my teeth again and to where I stand now infornt the body length mirror trying to figure my hair out it's so hard to handle. I mean I love my hair it's what makes me stand out most...I got it from my mom along with my big brown eyes but hers was more softer and shinier from what I remembered. And my hair just has a mind of it's own...I mean it's not that curly or anything but has wave like curls and stops at my waist and it can be so tiring sometime but I'll never cut it it reminds me of my mom.

I decided it would be best to just leave it down.

I slipped into a really tight light pink pencil skirt which really hugs my butt it's practically screaming 'hey everyone look at me'. I contemplated up on whether or not I should change it because my butt is one of the consequences of eating too much..but when I checked the time I quickly squirmed into my white floral blouse with long sleeves and slipped on a pair of nude scarpin.

What I look like thanks to eating alot oh and that's what am wearing:

But I don't look that bad just a little (more than a little bit) bit of exercise and I'll be ok

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But I don't look that bad just a little (more than a little bit) bit of exercise and I'll be ok.

I then moved on to doing my makeup which wasn't too long to which I had enough time to get to work and get myself and the ass some coffee.


After hopping out of the taxi I made a mental note to have Ruthy send my car over because I really can't go on like this.

I made my way over to a small coffee shop just around the corner of the company building.

The bell rings as I push the glass doors open. The spotless tiles made a clinking sound every time my heels came in contact with it.

Thankfully their wasn't a long line so I was up next.

A man with bright green eyes and blond hair that's styled in a quiff in a white v-neck and a black apron on his waist with the writings: Caroline's Cafe Shop n more, stared at me continuously blushing like really blushing like a he's just got caught red-handed stealing a cookie.

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