Chapter 44

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....."W-what?....." Callie stutters pulling the covers up to her nose,trying to hide herself with the fear evident in her eyes.

....." We're leaving....." Damon mutters over his shoulder going through Callie's side of the closet,trying to gather as much clothes as possible,casually throwing them over his shoulder and into the big suitcase.

...."Hey!...stop going through my stuff....." Callie shouts jumping out of the bed.

Her cheeks turned light pink when he suddenly pulls out a very revealing lacy black lingerie.

She quickly rushes over to him when he started to stare at the thing a little too long.

....."Give that to me!...." she shouts  trying to grab it from his hand but she was just too short as he dodges all her attempts to retrieve the flimsy little piece of clothing.

He carefully eyed the flimsy piece of material with a blank expression before shoving it into her face along with a change of clothes as he continues to throw every piece of clothes he could get his hands on over his shoulder and into the suitcase.

....." I'm not going anywhere with you! stop taking out my clothes...." Callie announces pulling the clothes he shoved into her face off of her head.

Damon sucked in the air between his teeth trying to control his temper. He didn't have time for this,he had a flight to catch and she's going with him whether she likes it or not.

....."Callie listen to me closely...." he turns his body towards her after throwing the last piece of clothes into the suitcase,looking down into her chocolate brown eyes...." I don't have the time or patience for your drama. We need to be on time if we want to make it there on time so it's either you get into the bathroom and get changed or I change you myself and forcefully carry you there myself...." he spoke in a soft yet commanding tone.

Callie narrowed her eyes at him wondering why the fuck is he talking to her like a child?. She crosses her arms over her chest staring at him challengingly....." I am not going anywhere with you and you can't make me!....." she exclaims before going over to the bed where she slips in pulling the covers over her head.

Damon could hear the blood beating in his ears as he slowly lost his patience with her. He balled his hands into fist, marching over to her bedside before he drags the sheets off of her body.

...."What the hell Damon?!...." Callie screams sitting up in the bed,glaring at him.

....." Get dressed or I'm going to dress you myself...." he says glaring down at her and was about to walk away when he noticed for the first time the fear shining in her eyes.

He bent over lowering his face to her level before cupping her warm, chubby cheeks in his big, warm hands....." What's wrong?....." he asks her as his usually icy blue eyes softens with a smile tugging at his lips because of how cute she looks right now,with her big doe-like chocolate brown eyes staring up at him, her plump heart shaped lips slightly pouting and her long ruby red hair a little disheveled.

....." I-I-I'm....I'm....." Callie stutters    looking away a little embarrassed to tell him the secret she's kept from everyone close to her, she even kept it from Tru her best friend because she didn't want anyone to look at her as weak, but she had no other choice but to tell him because of the current situation and plus the way he was looking at her just made her insides churn,and the way he lightly caresses her cheek making his fingers feel like feathers brushing over her delicate skin.

....."Come on kitten you can tell me....." he whispers,his smile widens.

....." I'mafraidofheights....." she says all in one breath nervously  laughing as Damon took a step back trying to make out what the hell she just said.

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